Volume 1 Chapter 8

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Today is the day of the tournament and I'm pretty nervous. Since the order was random, I didn't know when I would be participating. I clenched the skirt of the dress I was wearing out of anxiousness. Clad in a blood red dress to match my weapon, a lot of people were staring at me which adds to my nervousness.

I slapped myself to focus and concentrate. 'This is no time to be worrying about such trivial things. I need to pay attention to my surroundings. Sooner or later, maybe they will strike when people become unaware and too engrossed in the fight.' I thought as I glanced at the place where the so-called 'special guests' are currently in, together with Dad's subordinates that were stationed there in order to protect them. 'Their faces are covered by decorative masks. It's almost impossible to guess who's behind it. Especially when your body is wrapped in layers of cloth' Unable to recognize the shape of their faces and bodies, I failed to identify their gender except one. There was a little figure of a child between them. 'Even though their faces and bodies are covered, they're definitely a family' I thought as I saw one of the figures hugging the child protectively and the other stroking his head as if it was fragile.

Looking at the ongoing battle, I recalled that it will not end until one of them gives up or is unable to fight. There are healers stationed near the area just in case if the participant is severely wounded from the fight. So this means, 'no holding back', as my father had said a lot of times already.

Suddenly, at the corner of my vision, I saw a tall and shady guy wearing an expensive purple robe with pieces of jewelry decorating his body. My vision zoned in on a familiar crest he had on his extravagant clothing. 'A Royal Council Member... Why is he here?' I questioned in my head. Not noticing a number of participants were finished, the announcer called my name together with a guy called Travis.

"Knight Mage Talia Greycott and Travis Hillgrave of the third division, please enter the arena. Once again,  Talia Greycott and Travis Hillgrave of the third division, please enter the arena." A PA announced. My heart throbbed as I walked towards the steel gates and waited for it to open. A loud clashing of rusty chains and a shrill groan were heard as the heavy gates lifted. On the opposite side of the arena, there revealed a bulky bald man almost naked. He was wearing a gladiator-like attire or a Spartan get-up or... I really don't care anymore.

The weapon he was holding was a double-edged longsword called Thunder Cry as I looked at its status.


Name: Thunder Cry

Tensile Strength: 213          Compressive Strength: 401

Yield Strength: 432          Impact Strength: 759


Made by an infamous blacksmith of the Gargant Kingdom, Lance Strauss. Created with a middle-class iron ore. Enchanted with the lightning element.

My eyes widened in shock and surprise. Lightning is one of the rare attributes that only a few people have, and to find an enchanted weapon with the attribute of lightning... That's pretty impressive, I admit that this 'Lance Strauss' has some talent in enchanting. But of course, not as impressive as mine. Since I have the special ability 'Divine Enchantment', it is a hundred times more effective than the normal enchantment.

Seeing me like that, the opponent smirked, mistaking it for fear. I scoffed mentally at his obvious mistake and arrogance. 'Underestimating your opponent is the biggest mistake you'll ever make' 

"Participants, unsheathe your weapons and begin to battle!" The moment the PA announced the start of the battle, Travis charged at me at full speed. There is this saying that I've always heard from story-telling adventurers 'Strike first and the victory is yours. Strike second, well, there's no need for that. You're already dead' then they laugh and continue drinking like there's no tomorrow. Unfortunately, sayings are just sayings. There is doubt in those words, and I chose not to believe it. Instead, I let my opponents believe those words and then slowly bring them to their knees until all of their hopes and dreams went down the drain.

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