Rip tom

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Tord's POV:
I woke up to see everyone next to me crying and just SADDDDD. And I was confused until I saw blood in mah CHEST!!!! My bootiful chest ;-;(god dammit this is weird) I saw Tom really REALLY close to me, like we're a couple or somethin'. "What THE FAEN HAPPENED TO CHEST!!!!" I screamed, Tom answered with a hug. WHICH HURTED. YOU HEAR ME?!? "OWWWW" i literally screamed  AGAIN."oh sorry Tord... You kinda got stabbed in the chest so... Yeah..." Tom said, "oh... So you know my secret now..." I mumbled loudly. "Yeah... You were gonna ask me the big question right?" I was SHOCKED AF" what no" I literally made the 'what the hell ya talkin' about bruh' face. THEN THINGS GOT WEIRDER, Tom made a sad face. He's like making the 'oh okay I get it- it'll never happen anyways;-;' FACE. WUT THE HELL "well you'll be getting out of the hospital in a few hours" Edd said. "WEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSST" I yelled, EVERYONE started PANICKING. And THEN PAU AND PAT RAN IN, WITH A GUN. Pau was shooting the CEILING while PAT on the other hand was going crazy and running around like chickens going crazy(no wonder why people call him chicken wings). JUST WHAT?! I AM FREAKED OUT, I HAVE NEVER SEEN THEM DO THIS. "And I have NO IDEA if this is A NORMAL THING your family does." Tom said weirded out if what is happening so far. All the Tori's and me look at each other, not knowing what to do. AT ALL


After we got out of the hospital, I IMMEDIATELY saw a shadow behind me. I made the face of curiosity, "are you okay Tord?" Tom asked looking at me. "I'm f-fine!!" I said, Tom looked at me with a worried face."you can tell me anything..." Tom said politely, "it's just... Can we talk about this later in private?" I said. Tom nodded and looked over to the other side, I sighed.

Tori's POV:
I was driving to Edd's house, Pau and Pat were in the car too, BUT the only thing I could sense in the car was FLIRTING AND KISSES. I dunno HOW TORD MANAGES TO STOP THEM BUTTTTTT I'm GONNA TRY to be NICE cuz Ell made me, anyways when our car was second in the line since there was 6 cars and all of them were from the red army base. Tom, Edd and Matt were pretty confused how he got then since all of us(I mean all Tords and Toris) just STAY HOME ALL DAY, SMOKING WEED, READING HENTAI, AND CLEANING OUR GUNS TO GET READY FOR WAR WHEN OTHER ARMYS ATTACK. They asked him but he didn't answer, which was obvious since if anyone KNOWS our IDENTITY, we WILL die. Anyways when I got to Edd's place... I was SHOCKED AF

Tom's POV:
When I was trying to help Tord cough up the flowers, AND THIS TIME IT WAS THE WHOLE FLOWER. I DO NOT know what flower it is but it is RED, as red as the amount of blood he was coughing out. "LET ME GO GET THE GRASS"Edd shouted running away, while I heard the door open. I noticed Tori at the door, SHOCKED as hell. And I swear to Jehovah I knew I was dead. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!?" Tori screamed making everyone pause and freeze whatever they were doing.

Edd's POV:
After Tori yelled, I tried to explain everything. She then understood what was happening until a huge crash came from TORD'S ROOM, we got to his room to see a ton of MES, TOMS AND MATTS. I was confused, "WHAT THE COLA HAPPENED HERE?!" I screamed making Tom, Matt and Tori come up. When they saw what was happening, they knew EXACTLY WHAT WAS HAPPENING.

(BTW you can still ask or Dare us)

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