VIII. Fate

667 37 24

October 5th 2020

Things weren't really the same, those last three days anyways. That night Harry made her feel things that she tried to suppress for years only for her to feel it again in the matter of weeks.

She was beginning to fall in love with him again.

And she couldn't hate herself more for it.

So she avoided him those last three days especially Due to the fact that he had dropped her off at her front porch and kissed the corner of her lips.

It was like they were pretty much doomed from the beginning.

It didn't stop Harry from constantly calling and texting Cam, worried about the fact that he might have messed things up.

He didn't.

She just couldn't face the fact that she was falling in love with him only for him to break her heart once more.

It was inevitable.

"I think I'm falling in love with him again," she whispered out of the blue to Lisa as they arranged the seating for her wedding.

"What do you mean?" Lisa said taken aback, she didn't want her making the same mistake.

"I mean... yesterday. He did what he would do when we were younger and you know he just continues to promise me that he'll keep me happy and... I think I believe him."

Lisa didn't know what to say. Part of her wanting to knock some sense into her, other half partly believing that he had learn and grew from his past mistakes.

"Well do you want to know what I think?" Lisa asked and Cam nodded her head. "I honestly don't know why you gave him a second chance, you know? I know he was your first for almost everything but all I want for you is to be happy and I just don't want you making the wrong choice."

And Cam understood this, she did but hearts tended to cloud peoples better judgement and she was one of those people.

"I know I am, Lisa. That's the sad part, that I know I'm making the wrong choice. He cheated on me and left alone at times I needed him the most.."

"But you love him."

"But I love him," she confirmed as she got up, finishing up with all the emails she had to send out for the weddings.

"Enough about me though."


"No, I swear I'm fine," Camila promised.

Lisa nodded her head, not convinced but letting it go nonetheless.

And they continued in almost silence, finishing up any big rearrangements, leaving the conversation unanswered with a million doubts inside Cams head.

But she never told Lisa that.

Especially when Cam felt like it was always about her even when she left those three years.

"Are you sure you want to get married while being pregnant?" Camila asked her. "Like I'm not saying it's wrong but I personally would wait until afterwards."

"I was going to do that at first believe me," she started as she was going through her to do list. "But then I thought, hey it's going to take me about a fucking year to lose all that weight and then not to mention that I would have a baby that I have to take care of and he would have to at least be two before I can let someone else watch him for the full day... yeah no he's staying in here."

Camila laughed, agreeing with her as she nodded her head. She probably would've done the same thing.

"I can't believe your wedding is in like two weeks."

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