To the academy

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Elsa woke up by her alarm. She began to groan, knowing that it was time for her to go to school where she was going to be in for her four years. Elsa then, after laying there for 3 minutes, got up and got ready. She wore her snowflake logo shirt, her baby blue skirt with a snowman, and baby blue flats. She packed everything she needed. Elsa wore her gloves for a reason. She is going to Disney works academy, a school for the gifted, but for Elsa, her gift is a curse. She's worried that she would hurt someone.  Much more is that she is going alone. She grab her stuff and her phone. She was greeted by her sister, Anna and her parents.

 "Good morning mother, father, Anna." 

She said as she placed her items in her bag.

 "Good morning Elsa." 

They said, eating breakfast. Elsa checked the time. It was almost 8:30.

 "I gotta go bye"

 Elsa said while hugging her parents. She began to pray that everything will go as plan. 

~at the academy~

The walk and bus ride to the school was nerve wracking for Elsa, knowing that she will be an outcast. Elsa enter the school and everyone looked at her.  She knew that her hair color is what caught everyone's attention. Her hair happens to be platinum blonde. Boys began whistling at her and the girls began to whisper to each other. She sighed, since right away, she knew she will not have any friends. Elsa went toward the office until she bumped into someone. It was a girl with very long blonde hair. Elsa right away recognized the blonde beauty.


 Elsa said, in shock. The blonde then turned around to face her.

 "Elsa? it's nice to see you! Are you new here?"

Rapunzel said. Elsa nodded.  They embrace themselves for a hug.

"I haven't seen you in a while after what happened." 

Rapunzel said as she smiled at her.

"I know. How's my uncle and aunt?"

 Elsa questioned. She knew that her cousin is special but what really brought her in this school. Rapunzel the began to smile even more, if possible. 

"They been wondering when to come over for your 18th birthday" 

Rapunzel said. They talked for a bit until a girl with crazy red hair came to them. 

"Elsa? Oh me god it is ye!" 

It caused Elsa to smile. 


Elsa said. She get to see her childhood friend and cousin at the same school, she felt relief. Elsa got her schedule and locker number, and her keys for her locker and room. 

"Have you heard that some of the girls will be rooming with a boy?" 

Punzie said, in shock. Elsa shook her head in disbelief. They went toward the locker room.

 "Elsa, what are your locker number? " 

Punzie said as she looked for her locker. Elsa looked at her keys.

 "Mine is 221. So what's your dorm numbers? Mine is in the third floor dorm 222." 

Elsa said. Rapunzel and Merida began to look at their keys. 

 "Mine is 219 and on the third floor too,but room 220."

Punzie said in glee.

 "Well mine is 222, and the same floor, room 223." 

 "We're all neighbors!" Punzie said.

They went to their dorms to leave their stuff. While Punzie and Mer went for a walk, Elsa stayed behind. Elsa was hearing music from her phone. The song she was hearing is a soft piano rhythm. She removed her gloves and stared at her hands. She knew that soon, people will see her powers. It caused her to feel fear. To calm herself down, she started to hum along. Later she went toward her locker until she bumped into someone.

 "I'm so sorry let me help you." 

The person said, lending a hand for her to reach out. Elsa got up, and dust herself off. She didn't bother to look at the person in the eyes.

 "It's okay." 

And she continued without looking at that person. That person looked at her like if he had seen her somewhere, but could put his finger on it. She met up with Punzie and Merida. Elsa went to buy supplies. Elsa went to buy new gloves. She got a pair of gloves with a snowflake design. Elsa got her books and the rest of the supplies. Punzie went all out on her shopping, she did get her books and supplies but she also got school spirit attire. Merida and elsa began to laugh and purchased a hat to match. They got back to the dorms. Each went to theirs and bid goodnight. Elsa saw someone in the dorm. That person had a brown cape and staff..

 "Um,  excuse me?" 

She said. That person turn around and smile.

"Its you"

Elsa then began to look at the guy with a strange expression. 

"Who are you?" 

She said as she began to move to the other side. He took notice and began to clear his throat.

"Hi my name is Jack Frost, the one you bumped into the hallway. And you are?"

 He said with his hand out. For Elsa he sounded familiar.

"My name is Elsa Snow and you are the boy who bumped into me. Jack Frost?" 

She said without shaking his hand.

"yeah, it does sound a bit ridiculous. I look ordinary but I have a gift. I can fly."


The atmosphere began to feel thick due to the awkwardness between them. They didn't talk until they went to sleep.

 "Goodnight Jack" 

she said and closed her door. 

"Goodnight Snowflake." 

He said and went to sleep.

High school life(Jelsa,merriccup,jackunzal,& eugunzal) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now