Hiccup? Merida? Together?

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Merida was alone in the field with her bow. Merida began to carve something on her bow. 

"Hey Merida." 

Hiccup said behind her.

 "Oh hey Hiccup." 

Merida replied to him.

 "So what are you doing?" 

Hiccup asked looking over at what she's doing.

"Just thinking while carving something on my bow." 

She replied as she continues to carve.

 Ok Hiccup you can do this. Just tell her.

 Hiccup gulped and brushed his sweaty palms on his pant legs.

"Um Merida, I know that you are not into many things, and I know it's too early... Will you go with me to the winter dance?" 

Hiccup was expecting a punch but instead it was a hug.

 "Yes Hiccup." 

Merida said. She looked up and began to lean. Hiccup also lean in until their lips met. 

"Get a room!" 

A voice said. Merida saw who it was and it was just Mackenzie.

 "Mackenzie! It has been long time." 

Merida said. She nodded in responds. 

"So who's your date to the dance?" 

Merida asked Mack. Mack shrugs

 "Eh who cares about the dance."

 Mack said laughing. Merida laughs as well.

 "Ok well I gotta go. I need to get my supplies." 

And Mack left leaving Merida alone with Hiccup again. They looked at each other and blushed.

"Well, Imma go practice me archery."

Merida said as she stood up. Hiccup rubbed his nape and stood up as well.

"I am going to continue reading that book."

Merida peck him on the cheek. 

"Lets keep this between us. Until we are ready to tell the others."

Hiccup nodded and they both went separate ways.

High school life(Jelsa,merriccup,jackunzal,& eugunzal) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now