Chapter 7 - You Have To Be A Hope To Live With Us, So Try And Be A Hope, Matt

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Matt waited outside the orphanage, watching the other kids go and play by the fountain. Virgil was sitting beside him, reading Matt's math book. Matt had never felt more nervous in his life. His hands were shaking, and his posture was more tight and closed off. Noticing his anxiety, Virgil put down the book and grabbed Matt's hand to stop it from shaking. "Freaking out is my thing."

Matt tried to force a smile, but it wasn't working. So Virgil dropped Matt's hand. "What do you think will happen?" Matt asked. 

"They're gonna say that you're not 'being a Hope.' In fact, they may say that you're not even trying, and kick you out." Virgil said. He looked over at Matt, who now looked like he was on the verge of tears. 

"Not helping?" Virgil asked nervously. 

"NOT HELPING!" Matt shouted. 

"I'm sorry, it's my thing!" Virgil shouted back, albeit a bit more nervously than Matt. "But at least you're not thinking about it anymore." 

Matt paused. "Huh. I guess I'm not." He said. "You know, you may be good at making people anxious, but you're not that bad at calming them down." 

Virgil smiled. Matt poked his cheek. "Are you smiling?! I've known you for six years and this is the first time I've ever seen you smile!" Virgil chucked. "See? A smile makes you feel so much better!" He elbowed Virgil playfully, who fell off the bench. 

Tyler stuck his head out the doors to see the two boys playing. "Matthew Patrick?" Matt looked up. "Please come in." 

Matt stood up and followed Tyler in. He took another look at Virgil, who smiled again. It gave Matt the boost he needed. 

Tyler closed the door behind them. Inside was Mark and Jack. Mark was standing by the fireplace. "Matthew. Please sit down." 

"Mayor Mark! It's nice to see you." Matt said, a little shocked. Nevertheless, he sat down, right across from Tyler. 

"Matt, do you know why you're here?" Tyler asked. 

"To learn?" 

"Yes, to learn what?" 

"To learn... how to be a Hope, sir?" 

"Exactly. Although, based on today's performance, I'd say that you're having a hard time being a Hope." Tyler said. "Your curiosity is nice, but it's hurting your progress as a Hope. Like that book you gave to Virgil. A nice gesture, but you've been studying things far out of your reach for now. A Hope doesn't look farther than they have to. We live to survive, not to explore. A Hope is content with what they have." 

"Yes... I know." Matt said, a little disappointed. 

"Oh Matthew... there are so many things to be afraid of in this world if you just knew how scary they were." Tyler said. 

"But... why do we HAVE to be afraid?" Matt asked. "I just don't get it. I know that fear has gotten us this far, but what's wrong with finding new ways to get by?" 

Tyler turned towards Mark and Jack. Mark nodded slowly and rested a hand on Tyler's shoulder. Tyler stood up and Mark moved the chair beside Matt so that they were closer. "Matthew... listen. I was friends with your parents for a very long time. Your mother was sweet and kind... and sick. Very sick. She and your father didn't think that she would survive giving birth to you. So your father, bless his heart, decided to leave Hope Square to do some research. He died only 12 hours later; killed in a fight." 

Matt was taken off guard. He never knew his parents, and to now find out that his father died because of his own curiosity took him by surprise. And the mayor himself knew them. Matt may have only been 6 years old, but he already had the mind of someone much older, and much smarter than a 6 year old. 

"Do you see what happens when you rely on your curiosity? When you indulge in your own curiosity, you put yourself and all of Hope Square at risk." Mark said. 

Matt looked up at him. "I don't want... I don't want anyone to get hurt." Matt said. "Virgil told me that before I was born, 3 kids tried to run away and they were banished. Why?" 

Mark sighed. "I didn't want to. It was hard, but they weren't Hopes. See Matt, you have to be a Hope to live with us, so you have to try and be a Hope, Matt. Okay? For all of Hope Square." 

Matt nodded. "I promise. I'll do everything I can to be a good Hope."

Mark smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Good lad. You can go now. I still have to talk to Jack." Matt nodded and went back outside to meet up with Virgil. 

"We need to find a way to teach him in a setting that he'll understand. There's nothing in Hope Square for him to be scared of, so we need to put him somewhere where he's not as safe. Where his fear can really work to help him out." Mark said. 

"You're thinking of sending him outside Hope Square? Mark, this is Matt we're talking about. He may never come back." Jack said. 

"That's why we should send someone with him. The total ideal Hope. Who's that boy he's always with? About 12 years old, I think." Mark said. 

"Virgil? No way! That kid is skittish as the day is long." Jack added. 

"That's exactly why it'll work. He's the perfect one to teach Matt how to act in a real setting. Sometimes they just need to see the older ones do it." Tyler said. "Do you think he can do it?" 

Jack took a deep breath. "Yeah... he might be able to do it. We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed."

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