Marzia and Felix: Part Nine

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(Marzia's POV)
The airplane begins to lower. I wake up from my nap. Maya quickly shoots up, and starts to whine.
"Shhh, shhh. Stop, baby." I wrap her in her blanket. The airplane flies through the sheet of clouds. Finally, I see millions of tiny specks, all many different colors.
We finally land, and the people begin to flood into the aisle. I zip Maya into her doggy bag, and push my way to my items. I grab my two bags and two suitcases.
I step down the aisle, and into a long hallway connected to the entrance. When the hallway ends, a massive airport is crowded with people
There are so many different languages on the signs. Thank goodness I can read English. I finally find the exit, and I breathe in the fresh air of Sweden.
Maya barks at all the people.
I text Felix:
(Marzia 9:12 AM): I'm in Sweden! We are meeting at the fountain, right?
(Felix 9:20 AM): YESH! I'm so excited! Yes, I will meet you there now.
I call for a cab. I enter.
"Ljungsobro Fountains, please." I say. He nods, and I hand him the cash. And, we start to go. I will get to Felix very soon.
I love you Felix.
In the cab, we pass by many beautiful buildings, even though it is gloomy and gray.
After the long car ride, the guy drops me off close to a large fountain, with a woman in the front and water spurting out. I sit on the side of the fountain, placing Maya next to me. I unzip my bag and put on my button-up jacket.
I sat there for a while. My people pass by, crowding around the fountain. But, I see a boy with his dog on his leash. He turns his head towards me, and stares.
He grins slightly, and shoved people to get to my area. I stand up. Felix gets closer.
Maya barks.
His arms wrap around my waist, and my arms fling around his shoulders. I squeeze him, my chin on his shoulder. He scent smells like spice.
"Marzia... You're here." He says, astounded.
"Yes. I'm so glad to actually meet you, Pewdie." I pull away from his shoulder, so I am looking right at his face. His grasps still holding tight.
"So... What do you want to do?" I ask, tucking my hair behind my ear.
"Well, uh, we can go out to eat, make a video, stuff. Wait - are you staying at a hotel?" He asks.
"Well... No. Is it okay if I stay at your place?" I reply.
His face glows pink.
"Uh... Yeah! Yeah, sure." He rubs the back of his neck.
"Great! Let's go back to your place to unpack." I say, grabbing my bags and Maya.
He smiles. Lightly holding my back, he ushers me and Maya to his house.
I can't believe it. Pewdiepie is holding me... I am so happy.

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