Marzia and Felix: Part Thirteen

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(Marzia's POV)
I get dropped off at the airport. I jog with my luggage and Maya inside.
I look at the flight board, and the next flight to Italy is in 20 minutes.
Thank god.
I can't take anymore time here.
I get a ticket, and take a seat. Depressed, and keep my knees snug against my chest. I Maya whines, knowing that I am sad. My cheeks are puffy and rosy red. I continue to cry.
I thought he really loved me - me and only me. He stole my heart. Ahh... It's hurts so much.
After a while of crying and tissues, the woman calls the people boarding. I get my stuff, and board the plane.
I get on my seat, and pack up my things. Maya sits on my lap.
Very little people board the plane, each one staring at me.
"Hey, are you okay?" An American boy asks.
"Oh... Uh... *sniff* Yeah. I'm fine..." I say.
"No, you're not. May I?" He says.
I pause, but nod.
He smiles, and sits next to me. He is actually quite handsome. His brown hair slicked to a point in the front, hazel eyes, tan skin, white smile, and freckles.
"Well, what's your name?" He asks.
"... Marzia." I don't look at him though. I stare out the foggy window, watching the snow fall.
"My name is Kyle. Kyle Berlin." I can see his pearly-white smile in the corner of my eye.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"It's nothing you should be concerned about." He stops smiling.
"You're right, Marzia. I'm very sorry for intruding your life." He says.
"... It's fine." I still look out the window.
"You are very beautiful, you know?" He says.
"Thank you." I remember when Felix would compliment me. The thought made me cringe.
"Marzia? Hey, what's wrong? Don't cry, don't cry." He wraps his arms around my shoulders.
"Hey! I don't know you... Listen, I am not in the mood for dating or anything, okay?" I flinch from him.
"Oh, I'm not into girls. I am gay. This is my boyfriend." He opens a picture of his boyfriend kissing his cheek.
It made me smile a little.
"He's very *sniff* cute." I mumble.
"Yeah, he's the best boyfriend I could ever have. You've got to say - he's pretty hot." I laugh a little. I explain the heart aching story of me and Felix.
"Wow... You dated Pewdiepie? And he did this to you?" He says, in shock.
I slightly nod.
"Well, don't worry honey. I'm here for you."
(Felix's POV)
(A week after the incident)
I take another swig from the bottle. The alcohol burns going down my throat.
I miss her so much.
My house is trashed.
I'm a lazy as Edgar.
I have been drinking a little too much.
Bags have formed under my eyes.
I haven't been making videos lately.
All I have been eating really is fatty foods.
All I can do is lay in my bed.
I gulp down more alcohol. I take a bite from a Twinkie.
I hear a knock on my door.
"I'm not home right now..." I yell.
"Let me the fuck in Felix."
"No! Go away Ken!"
"Felix. Get your ass up, unlock the door, and invite me in." Ken yells.
"Ughhh... Fine..." I sloppily sit up and open the door, bottle in hand.
"Jesus... Felix. What is going on with you?" He shuts the door, and we sit on the couch.
"Nothing. Why are you here?" I ask.
"Because. You haven't been in YouTube, you haven't talked to me, and you haven't been on the Xbox."
"I'm just... Not happy."
"Why? You always are? Jesus - when was the last time you showered? You fucking stink..." Ken says.
"Ugh... It's to much to talk about."
"Dude - I'm your bro. You need to talk to me." Ken says, caressing his beard.
"Ugh... I miss her, Ken! I miss her so much that is hurts!" I cry, almost wanting to sob.
"Who? That Marzia chick? I thought you guys were friends?" Ken asks.
"I fell for her! She fell for me too, and we kinda started dating."
"And you really love this girl?"
"Yes Ken! More than any other girl in the universe!"
"Well, if you really love this girl, then why aren't you out chasing her to get her back?" Ken asks.
"Yeah. If you really love her, then you should be going great lengths to get her back." Ken says.
"Oh god... You're right Ken. What would I do without you Ken?" I say.
"Well, you still would be moping around, becoming a drunk."
"Shut up, you fucker." I say, and hug him.
"Ew, I don't want your nasty scent on me..." Ken says.
Once Ken leaves, I get my shit together. And I get ready for a flight to Italy.

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