Chapter 1

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Raven Crest academy, a school that offers Day classes and Night classes, for the living impaired, furies, freaks ad weirdo’s. All the fun flavours of life. It’s my home, the only place I know really. My entire life I had been subjected to the nature of humans cruelty. Just when I had had enough of my existence somebody decided to invade, bringing with them a whole basket of a crazy.

Now this place isn’t just my home it’s my fiancée’s home as well. It’s my family’s home, a place where I feel safe. After today I, Aderyn Taun, would no longer be subjected to the childlike treatment of being a high school student. I had managed to fit five months of schooling into only four, having missed out on a month to heal my injuries. The damage hadn’t been as bad as what we all thought, the only reason I healed so slowly was due to the instability of my inheritance, thank you mom.

Although now in hindsight I can understand why I was placed in the Night classes when I started high school. Maybe everything would have turned out differently if I had stayed, maybe Saebriel would have just sucked it up and asked me out like a normal person instead of lurking around like some twilight Edward reject.

Because seriously, being stalked, having somebody watch you sleep, it isn’t sexy guys it’s creepy as hell and that’s how you get shot or the shit beat out of you. Thankfully he doesn’t sparkle, except for the one time a month ago on April fool’s day. Bizzy and the twins had covered Saebriels soap in sparkles and body glitter. He sparkled for three weeks, he was so embarrassed he wouldn’t leave the house.

He had come a long way in a short period of time, he has days though where Dictator-Sabe comes out and if we don’t do as he commands then all hell breaks loose. Its normally those days that I avoid him so he doesn’t decide to interrogate me on how I feel. If I wanted to have my brain picked apart I would go see a shrink. If I did though I would be locked up in the nut-house for good.

Mostly because I’d be so blunt and upfront about it that they would be shocked. Not only would admitting to the outside world that I was his Bride cause panic, but that I was marrying him of my own free will, they would just lock me up and throw away the key.  Then to add onto it all to tell them I have powers that are so unstable they rival that of a nuclear bomb if left unattended, which is why I wear a fancy bracelet designed by a Vampire. Yeah that sounds sane, sadly that’s my life.

The vampire who designed the bracelet is actually married to a friend of Saebriels, Rastiel and Anya. They’re both amazing, Rastiel scares me a little because he’s super old, and super powerful.  He had been there for Saebriels birth apparently, so he was old. Anya was really young for a Vampire of her power level, but she was a really sweet person. She designed my bracelet and saved my life, she felt like a sister than anything. Somehow though she could control both Saebriel and Rastiel with her soft voice, it was like they were afraid of her or something.

It was comforting to have both of them around as I recovered, they acted as a buffer between me and the rest of the world, ie. Saebriel, My aunt, and the school.  Dealing with my Aunt was easy, I just didn’t answer the phone. Saebriel was harder , but, manageable, and the school, well their only concern was my appearance and relationship with Sabe.

Both of which they really shouldn’t care about, yes I was now covered in scars, and yes I was going to marry a Vampire. So what? Did we not learn from the Black Rights movement, or even Gay rights, would we really have to go through the same damn thing with Vampires? The answer is most likely because people think that everything is their business.

The courtyard was slowly filling with student’s out for morning jogs, some teachers heading over to the assembly hall where they were setting up for commencement. I could hear the beeping sound of trucks backing up, probably full of party supplies for the ball tonight. Today was the only day all classes were excused, the younger students were sent home or moved into the ‘safe wing’ near to the library in the second courtyard just on the other side of my apartment row.  

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