Chapter three

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"So Lucas and Maya's first unofficial date went great. Lucas said he thought she had a great time and I heard from someone that she said she had fun. But you all know Maya and know how if she says one nice thing she has to cancel it out. She also said she didn't like going to a movie and liked talking to him in that art classroom much better" Riley says.

"My brother loved to talk about her. For a while she was all he would talk about. I probably should have talked to her a little more. I was always so scared of her so I never did. She said hi to me once but I didn't say anything back. I got all shy. She probably thought I didn't like her or something. That's not true. I actually really did. She always made my brother happy. I also really liked her after what I found out last week but we will get to that later." Riley says.

"About two weeks later they started dating. They started hanging out outside of school a lot more too. Maya loved to go on little adventures with him. This is the story on there first adventure... and there first kiss" Riley finishes.

Lucas is woken up by a loud banging on his bedroom window. Any other night he would be scared but he knew exactly who this was. He puts a shirt on and opens the curtain then the window.

"Good morning honey" Maya says when he opens the window.

"What are you doing here so late?" Lucas asks.

"It's not that late." Maya says.

"It's one in the morning" Lucas says.

"Ok. It's kinda late but I want to go somewhere" Maya says. "Ya coming?" She asks.

"Sure. Let me put some shoes on" Lucas says.

He leaves the window and goes over to his closet. Maya looked around his room from the window. She hasn't seen it before.

"You have a very nice room" Maya says.

"Thank you. It's nice to get a compliment from you every once in a while" Lucas says. Maya just shrugs her shoulders.

Lucas climbs out the window and he starts following Maya down the fire escape.

"Where are we going?" Lucas asks when they get onto the sidewalk.

"The park near my house" Maya says.

"I thought you don't like that park" Lucas says.

"I don't but I did something to it" She says.

"Oh my god. What did you do?" Lucas asks.

"You'll see" Maya says and smirks.

They walk for a few more minutes until they get to the park. Lucas was very nervous and Maya could tell.

Maya walks through the park gate and Lucas followed behind her. Lucas looked and saw a mural painted on ones of the stores that surrounded the park. Before there used to be a lot of different graffiti on the walls, lots of curse words. Lots of curse words where children would play.

"You did this?" Lucas asks. Maya nods, shyly.

She spray painted a bunch of multicolored lines coming out of the word "Hope" and the O has a heart on the inside.

"It's beautiful" Lucas says. He was pretty speechless.

"Yeah. I really like it" Maya says.

The both stood and admired the artwork for a couple seconds before a police officer showed up.

"What are a couple of kids like you doing here so late at night?" He asks.

Lucas got extremely nervous and tensed up. Maya kept her cool.

"Did you do this?" He asks them and points to the mural.

They both shake there head.

"That's a shame. I could have been standing face to face with a future big name artist. Normally I would call something like this in and a investigation would be put into place. But I actually really like it. It brightens the place up and makes it look better" He says.

"Yeah. It's really beautiful. We live in the apartment building across the street. I couldn't sleep and was staring out the window. I saw this and I knew that wasn't there before. I went down the hall and got him to check it out" Maya says.

"Well that's very sweet. You two have a goodnight" The police officer says.

"You too" Maya says and her and Lucas start walking out of the park. "Want to go to the twenty four hour deli before we go home?" She asks Lucas.

"Um sure" Lucas says.

They turn to the right, the way of the deli but don't actually go. Maya only said that so the police officer wouldn't know they lied about not living in the apartment building across the street. Maya lives about three apartment buildings down from the park.

"I'm gonna walk you home" Maya says once they get away from the park.

"You don't have to. I live farther away and we are going to pass your place on the way to my apartment anyway" Lucas says.

"I want to walk you home" Maya says.

"Ok" Lucas says.

The walk home was pretty quiet but it wasn't a awkward silence. It was pretty peaceful. It took them a couple minutes to get to Lucas's building.

"Are you coming up?" Lucas asks her.

Maya shakes her head.

It was a pretty romantic and dark scene where they are standing in right now. They were standing under a street lamp so the only light was around them.

"You look beautiful right now" Lucas says and takes a step closer to Maya.

Maya smiles. Lucas bends down and plants a soft kiss on her lips. Maya kisses him back and it lasts about ten seconds. Maya was the one to pull away.

"I'll see you tomorrow" She says to him.

"See you tomorrow" Lucas says back.

He starts to climb up the fire escape. Maya stays and watches him. He waves to her before climbing through the window.

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