Chapter four

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"Lucas said he felt like a badass that night. He loved sneaking out and running into the cops and most of all he loved kissing Maya. This next story took place the next day." Riley says.

"What are you doing here?" Maya asks.

She just walked into her art classroom and Lucas is sitting on the window still looking through Maya's art file.

"Looking at all the work you didn't show me that day" Lucas says. "I notice you added a new piece in here as well" He adds.

"How do you know?" She asks.

"It's on top and I looked at the date on the back" He says. "You work pretty quickly. You do at least two pieces a week" Lucas says.

"Well that's what happens when you are in here three periods a day" Maya says. She went over and sat next to him.

"Three?" Lucas questions.

"Yep. Study hall third period. Lunch sixth period and then my actual class seventh period" She says.

"Wow" He says. He pulls out ones of her pieces back from October. She was definitely in a Halloween mood when she made this on. It was very dark and creepy.

"That was for my holiday project. We could choose any holiday we wanted. I chose Halloween since that's my favorite and it just so happened to be the holiday coming up when the project was assigned. I was thinking about doing the Fourth of July since making fireworks sound really fun but I decided against it" She says.

"I like it" Lucas says and puts it back.

He then took out a drawing of a alien. This was the first drawing instead of a painting.

"Why a alien?" He asks.

"I don't know. I was just in a weird mood when I started that one" She says.

"I like this one too" He says.

"Is there any you don't like?" She asks.

"No" He says.

She rolls her eyes. "Well I would love to stay and tell you all the backstories to these but I have to get working on my new project" She says.

"Ok" Lucas says.

Maya gets up and goes to her desk. She pulls out her working folder and begins cutting at a piece of paper. Lucas got curious and went and looked over her shoulder. She was cutting at a cut out of a girl and a guy standing under a umbrella. He knew exactly what she was making.

"Melted crayons?" He asks.

"Yep" Maya says and pulls out two boxes of twenty four crayons each from her desk. "I decided to go basic with the romantic one" She says.

She finishes cutting out the people and got a art canvas. She glued the people onto the canvas.

"I'm gonna let that dry for a minute" She says.

Mr. Jackson walks in as she is waiting. 

"What's wrong Maya? Artist block" He asks. She is normally working really hard every time he walks in.

"No. Just waiting for this to dry" Maya says

Mr. Jackson goes behind her and stands next to Lucas.

"Ah the trendy melted crayon art. I made ones of these a couple months ago. It was a little different but can I give you some tips?" He asks.

Maya nods. Mr. Jackson goes to his desk and grabs the tape dispenser.

"When I was looking at these I didn't like how it had they all had the crayons still on top and obviously you can't cut it off because it's a canvas. So I took a strand of tape. You're gonna have to measure it to the size of the canvas and then put the crayons on it. Then I took another piece of tape and taped them together a second time so only the top half wasn't taped. Did you understand that?" He asks. Maya nods again. Lucas didn't understand a word of what he just said.

"Great, also this isn't going to be enough crayons." He says. He goes over to his supply cabinet and grabs two more boxes. "Get peeling" He says and puts them on Maya's desk. He starts walking over to his own desk but turns around. "You know Maya, the past month or so I can see you turning into more of a romantic. I wonder if Mr. Matthews over here has anything to do with it" He says.

Maya blushes while Lucas tries to hide his smile. Maya starts peeling the crayons and Lucas helped her. Maya was working twice as fast as Lucas though.

"I don't get how you do this so fast" Lucas says. He was clearly frustrated.

"It's because I don't bite my finger nails" Maya says and giggles.

They didn't want to start up a real conversation with Mr. Jackson sitting right there. Mr. Jackson could sense it too.

"Lucas, are you in any art classes?" He asks.

"No. I take a take a few business classes for electives and I take a second gym class" Lucas says.

"Do you want to run a business?" He asks.

"When I first started taking the class I didn't. That was in ninth grade but now I really do. It seems fun, being in charge of something" Lucas says.

Even though Maya and Lucas have been dating for about two weeks now they still don't know much about each other. They really just know the basics. Lucas knows how much Maya loves art and how much she loves to get in adventures and start trouble. While Maya knows he likes to keep her out of it. And she knows that he has a sister.

"Maya pretty much takes all art electives. She takes a computer graphics class and used to take a ceramics class until she dropped it" Mr. Jackson says.

"Why did you drop it?" Lucas asks.

"To be able to spend more time here. This is my favorite class. I like computer graphics but I don't love it. It's too complicated" I say.

"Then why are you taking it?" Lucas asks.

"Because the art schools like that type of stuff" She says.

"I'll be right back guys. Another teacher needs me for something" Mr. Jackson says and stands up.

"Ok" Maya says.

He leaves the room.

"Do you want to come over to my house after school?" Lucas asks.

"Your house?" My asks.

"Yeah. You can come really see my room instead of just peeking inside during the middle of the night" He says.

"Is your family going to be there?" She asks.

"No. My sister stays after every Thursday for nature club. My dad runs nature club. And my mom picks my little brother up from school every Thursday and then takes him to the park after" He says.

"Sure. I guess so" Maya says.

"Great. I'll meet you at your locker" Lucas says.

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