Chapter six

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"Lucas never told me anything about what happened that night. All I know is once they got back they were very big into PDA. Whenever they were together in school they were holding hands. He was always kissing her and she loved to kiss him to make the other girls jealous. He just told me all about the car ride and how they had some great conversations. I never had a conversation with Maya but if I did it would go a little something like this" Riley says.

Maya would walk up to Riley probably in there history class. Riley would get so nervous because the Maya Hart was standing in front of her, trying to have a conversation with her.

"Hi" Maya says.

"H-hi" Riley stutters

"I'm Maya" She says

"I know" Riley says.

Maya would shoot her a weird look.

"I mean. You're the one dating my brother" Riley says.

"Yeah" Maya says, nodding her head.

"Yeah" Riley says back. It would be silent for a couple second. "I heard your a very good artist" Riley adds.

"Yeah." Maya says. "So your pretty new here. Are you enjoying the school so far?" Maya asks.

"Yeah. I really like it" Riley says. "How long have you been in this school?" She asks.

"Since the very beginning, ninth grade. But I have always been in this school district. I've lived in my same house my entire life" Maya says.

"That's cool. I've moved a good amount. I was born in Philly and then moved to Texas when I was three and now we just moved here" Riley says.

"That's cool. I've never been to Texas. I went to Philadelphia once though" Maya says.

"Did you like it?" Riley asks

"Yeah. It was nice" Maya says.

The bell rings.

"Well it was nice talking to you. I'll see you around. Maybe you can come have dinner with our family next week. Riley says.

"Yeah. That would be really nice" Maya says and goes and sits in her seat.

"Or maybe that is just totally unrealistic and not how it would go. Maybe instead it would go like this" Riley says.

Riley is home alone. Lucas is out with some friends while Cory and Topanga took Auggie to a doctors appointment. Just for a physical, nothing major. She was having a nice afternoon listening to music and doing homework when someone starts knocking on the door. After that, her afternoon got even better.

"Hi" Maya says when Riley answers the door.

"Hi Maya. Lucas isn't home right now" She starts but what cut off.

"That's ok. I actually came just to talk to anyone" She says.

Riley got really excited.

"You can stay and talk to me. There is so many things to talk about" She says.

"Ok" Maya says and giggles at Riley's excitement. She is pulled into the Matthew's apartment.

"Come into my room. I have a really nice window we can sit in" Riley says.

"Are you sure you don't want to just sit on the couch?" Maya asks.

"No. That's too formal" Riley says.

"Ok" Maya says.

She follows Riley into her bedroom. They sit in Riley's bay window.

"So I heard your really good at painting things" Riley says.

"Yeah. That's really all I do" Maya says.

"Do you have any pictures of your paintings?" Riley asks. "I don't expect you to carry around the actual artwork with you" She adds.

"No I don't carry around the canvases with me. I do have some pictures I can show you though" She says.

"Cool" Riley says.

Maya pulls out her phone and looks through her paintings. A lot of them she doesn't like to show off. 

"Here's one I made of your brother" Maya says and hands Riley the phone.

"Wow" Riley says as she studies the picture. "It looks just like him" She says.

"Yeah that's kinda the point" Maya says.

She shows Riley about three more paintings and then puts her phone away.

"I don't like showing off. Let's talk about you" Maya says.

"How can you not love showing that off?" Riley asks.

"I don't know. Just don't" Maya says.

"Well you know all the good artists show off just a little bit" She says.

"I know but I'm not like them" Maya says.

"So anything else cool about you?" Riley asks.

"Nope. Let's talk about you now" Maya says.

Riley told Maya everything there was to know about herself. The two girls would have just sat there and talked and talked all afternoon and after that they most likely would have been best friends. Maybe that was all Maya needed, one good best friend.

Who Was Maya Hart? {Lucaya} (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now