Chapter nine

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"Maya took Lucas on an adventure that day. She took him to a few more spots and took lots of pictures of Lucas and some of just the scenery. Ones of the pictures Maya took of Lucas is now his Instagram profile picture. Lucas always posted about Maya on social media. She wasn't big into it but in the whole six months they were dating she posted about two things of Lucas. This next story is one that means a lot. I think it contributed a lot towards Maya's death. This is the last story I am going to share with you guys today." Riley says.

Maya and Lucas had there typical day at school. It was a Friday which means the last day for the week. For the most part they aren't together. They don't have any classes together since Lucas is a senior and Maya is a junior. They spent lunch together in Mr. Jackson's room. Maya started working on a new piece. Lucas sat and watched her. Lucas isn't always with Maya in Mr. Jackson's room for lunch. Maya likes the alone time to paint. When she comes during her study hall Mr. Jackson has a freshman basic arts class. She sits in the back of the classroom minding her own business. Sometimes Mr. Jackson calls her out by showing off her artwork. Then Lucas sat in his fathers class and watched her for forty minutes straight.

"So what are you doing tonight?" Maya asks as they are walking to her locker.

"Nothing. Why? What are you doing?" Lucas asks.

"My mom is going upstate for ones of her friends weddings. She left this morning. Do you maybe want to sleepover?" Maya asks.

Lucas's eyes lit up. He couldn't believe Maya was asking him to sleepover. They have never had a sleepover before.

"Does your mom know?" He asks.

"Yeah. She said she's fine with it and that she trusts me. She said just be responsible" She says.

"Yeah. Let's have a sleepover" Lucas says.

"Great. Come over at five" Maya says.

"Do you want a ride home from school anyway?" Lucas asks. Maya nods her head and smiles.

They both go to there lockers and then meet at Lucas's car.

"Do you want me to bring anything?" Lucas asks.

"No. Just yourself" Maya says. "And clothes" She adds.

"Ok" Lucas says and smiles.

He drops her off and Maya goes up to her apartment and sets up for there sleepover.

She is normally never home alone overnight. Maya's mom works a lot but she is always home at night. She normally isn't home when Maya wakes up though.

About two hours later Lucas comes over.

"Hi" Maya says when she answers the door.

"Hi" Lucas says back.

"So I got everything set up. I picked out a movie. I made my bed which I normally never do and" Maya was cut off my Lucas. 

"We're both going to sleep in your bed?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah. I figured that's what couples do" Maya says.

"Ok" Lucas says.

"And I ordered us pizza" Maya finishes her sentence from before.

Maya didn't really know how to set up a sleepover since she hasn't had one since she was seven and her mother set up that entire thing.

"It sounds perfect" Lucas says.

So they sit on the couch and watch tv for a couple minutes until the pizza came. They sat and talked and ate.

"So what movie are we watching tonight?" Lucas asks.

"Everything, Everything" Maya says.

"Really?" Lucas asks. He didn't want to watch it.

"Yes. It was that or Finding Nemo" Maya says.

"I'd rather watch Finding Nemo" Lucas says.

"Too bad" She says and turns the movie on.

About ten minutes in Lucas wasn't as opposed to watching the movie as they were in the middle of a pretty heavy make out session.

After a couple more minutes Lucas pulls away.

"Should we continue this in the bedroom?" Lucas asks.

Maya nods her head very excitedly even though she didn't want Lucas to know how excited she really was.

"And that was the night Maya and Lucas's baby was conceived" Riley says. The crowd was silent.

"Before I leave tonight I just want to tell you a few more things. They aren't stories though. Now I keep saying Lucas loved her in past tense and I don't know why. He still does love her and he always will. I guess I say loved since she isn't here anymore. Lucas didn't come tonight. He couldn't come tonight. He's barley left his room since he found out. It's weird, my entire family is grieving from this. Lucas the most obviously. He lost his girlfriend and the love of his life. My dad is too. He lost ones of his students. He's been a teacher for about twelve years now and that has never happened to him before. My mom is upset by it too. She has only met Maya a couple times. Then there's my little brother Auggie. He never met her but he was crying in my arms because of it." Riley says.

"So that's all I have to say. Thank you all for listening to me" Riley says and steps down from the podium.

The room remained silent.

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