Chapter eleven

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"Do you want to call the mother?" Officer James asks the other one.

"No. Do you?" Officer Dylan asks.

"Not really but I will if you don't" Officer James says. He goes away from the scene for a little privacy.

He takes out his phone and calls Maya's mother. He just got the phone number from someone at the station. On the fourth ring Katy picks up.

"Hello Mrs. Hart. This is Officer James. There has been a accident involving your daughter, Maya." He says. He was waiting for a response. He didn't get one. "Hello?" He says into the phone.

"Hi. Sorry. Um what kind of accident" She asks. You could hear through the phone that she was very panicked. She was probably thinking the worst and what happened was the worst

"A car accident" Officer James says.

"Is she ok?" She asks.

"Please just go to the hospital" He says. Of course she was going to come down. She just wanted to know what she was coming down to.

"I'll be right there" She says. "Wait before you go" Katy says. "Was her boyfriend Lucas with her? Maya doesn't know how to drive and Lucas normally drives her everywhere" She says.

"No ma'am. He was not in the car. Maya was driving it herself." The police officer says before hanging up.

Katy was in her car as fast as humanly possible. The first person she called was Lucas. She told him what she knows and said to meet her at the hospital.

It wasn't long before Maya's body was brought to the hospital for a little bit of testing.

Katy and Lucas arrived at the hospital at the same time. Lucas brought his family with him. Katy was holding back tears even though they were slipping out. Lucas was holding them back too and succeeding.

The police officers were going to bring Katy into a separate room to tell her. There were too many people watching. Katy let Lucas and Riley come with her. Katy didn't want to go in alone. Maya's father left so he wouldn't do that. He probably wouldn't know for a long time. She thought Maya's boyfriend was better then nothing. Katy assumed Maya and Riley were close because they were in the same grade.

They go into the room where Maya's body was. It was covered of course. The doctor that just examined Maya was in there.

"There is no easy way to tell a parent this. Maya has passed away" Ones of the officers said.

The room fell silent. Katy and Lucas were now crying. Riley was trying very very hard not to. That lasted about two minutes, but it felt so much longer.

Lucas was the first one to speak up.

"Did she suffer?" He asks.

"No. We believe the second she hit the telephone poll she passed" One officer says.

"Were the three of you aware of the baby?" The doctor asks.

"The baby?" Katy, still crying, questions

"Yeah. There was a baby in there. I would say she was about three months along" The doctor says.

All eyes landed on Lucas. He wasn't crying at the second but was very shocked.

"No I didn't know" Lucas says.

"I didn't know anything about a baby either" Katy says.

"What did she look like when you found her?" Lucas asked.

"Her face had a few cuts on it. She had a busted up lip." One officer says.

"Miss Hart, we need you to identify the body. Would you like to do that now or later?" Another officer asks.

Who Was Maya Hart? {Lucaya} (Completed) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن