request for imagines/preferences

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This is probably the last time I update in 24 hours or more, since I'm going home from my vacation. I'm kinda stuck at the airport for like 5 hours or more, and my flight is around 10 hours (without internet) and when I get home it's my brothers birthday so we have to celebrate. Ok since I got that out of the way, I can get to the point. If there is a imagine you want me to write you can send me a message or comment here (I'm gonna write what you need to send me under this) you can also request preferences (like his contact name on your phone and vice versa)

Imagine request:
name for the character (you don't need to use your own and you can also say that you want me to write for "y/n")

what the imagine is gonna be about ( you can be specific if you want to)

if you want me to write "imagine for ...." in the title or not

also if there is something that i didn't write now that you think I should know just add it in

basically if there is anything you want me to write, just tell me.
(and if you're quick to send me a message or comment when I post this now, i would probably work on the imagine/preference on the plane. if you didn't see this so quick it's okay and i will probably write it when i see it or have time)
soo see ya i guess

update; i got home from my vacation but i'm probably gonna go to the hospital because it hurts to move and breathe in (you know the sharp stabbing pain around your heart) yeah that have happened to me before but it didn't last this long (9 hours ish?) but I'm gonna talk to my mom first and see if I'm gonna go to the hospital or not. sorry

Manny Montana/Rio ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant