Asada Shino, the cute girl

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Sorry for the tense change

I made my way to school, in a really down mood. During the way I hear a feint girl scream, I looked down an alley way that was close and saw a group of girls with some guys next to them possibly their boyfriends. They were shouting at a girl on the ground, they asked her for 10,000 Yen. I snuck up on the them, I tapped one of the guys on the shoulder. He turned around and said "what do you want"

I replied with "why are you hurting her"

"none of your business, go away" He shouted

I punched him in the face knocking her out on the ground. The other guys got ready to fight and the girls step back. I was ready myself, one of them charged me. I redirected him back at his friend. They both said in pain "Ok, you win we'll leave." They picked up their friend and went. I walk to the girl and asked "are you ok"

she didn't reply. I offered help by putting my hand out. She held my hand very tight and I helped her get up. I got her bag and gave it to her. She giggled and then said with a smile on her face " thank you for the help"

Then she gave me a little kiss on the cheek. My eyes widened, my face turned red and I froze. She giggled and started to walk away. I asked her "what's you name?"

She said "my name is Asada Shino"

She was gone before I could tell her my name. I made it the rest of to school with out trouble but I had something on my mind. It was Asada, she looked so cute and her glasses matched her perfectly. I love it

Time skip

The bell rings, we all stand up and say good morning teacher. "Thank you class, you may sit now" I sat down and looked around I just only realised Asada was in my class. I didn't even know the girl in front of me, wow I'm clueless. I tried taking everything but I couldn't, I could only think about the girl in front of and when she kissed me. I got thought the class just thinking about her.

Time skip

After class I approached her, I took a deep breath and said "hi Asada"

Asada said " hi, sorry I didn't ask you for you name I was just in a hurry"

"Oh that's ok my name is Y/N"

"Nice to meet you Y/N, thank you for saving me before you're a hero"

"Your so cute" I accidentally said quietly.

"What?" Asada said in a shocked voice.

"Sorry sorry Asada" I said quickly.

"You think I'm cute?"

"Yes" I said hesitantly.

"Well the thing is I think your cute too" she whispered into my ear. Then kissed my cheek, I held her hand during the kiss. I put my second hand on her hand too then asked "can I take you home?"

She put her hand on my hands then pulled me in and kissed me. We broke from the kiss then she freed her hands and hugged me. I put my hands around her too, she asked "do you want to get cake together?"

"Absolutely" I reply

"Great lets go now"

Time skip

She took me to a beautiful shop. We sat down and she got a slice of a chocolate cake. I wondered why one slice then realised she wants to share. Set got a piece on her fork and held it in front of my face, I open my mouth and she feed me. I did the same for her but after she giggled. She check per her watch and said "I need to get back home and cook"

"Oh you live alone, I do too. I want to try you cooking"

"I could cook you something someday"

"Really that would be amazing, thank you"

"Well see you tomorrow, bye Y/N"

"Bye Asada" I could only focus on her and how perfect she is.

"You can call me Shino" she said with a wink

Time skip

I walked thought the door and fell on my bed. I my mind went wild, I could only think about her. I could play GGO to clear my mind.

Puts on Amusphere

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