BoB Tournament

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I changed clothing into more comfortable clothes. I took deep breaths before putting on my Amusphere.

Link Start

20 minutes before BoB begins

I spawned in the waiting room and guess who was wait for me, Sinon.

"Hello C/N, have you seen Kirito?"


"Well he should be here soon"

Sinon pulled in and pushed me into a chair. Then she sat next to me and ordered one drink for us. I was wondering why only one.

Suddenly Sinon said "do you want to share this drink with me"
"Of course I do Sinon"

Then she whispered into my ear "I love you"

We both started to drink at the same time. Then Kirito spawns in.

"Hi Kirito" we both said.

10 minutes before BoB begins

"You made it Kirito" he walks over and gets a drink for himself. Then we talked for the rest of the wait.

1 minutes before BoB begins and all contestants will be teleported into the area.

BoB has started

I was teleported into a forest area. I should activate the active camouflage I have, the active camouflage I got from trading. The person I traded with didn't like it for some reason, why would anybody trade it, it's so useful. The camouflage turned on and I slowly disappeared. I should find a sniping spot before it runs out.

I found a group of rocks in a mountain and hid behind them. I shot my first target who was running though the forest. He was cut cleanly in half by the bullet.

10 minutes in to BoB

I have gotten 2 kills because everyone is hiding for their lives. I ran to the other side of the mountain and hear to voices below me. I look down and it's Kirito and Sinon, I turn on my active camouflage and walk towards them. I go un-invisible and talk to them. "Hi guys"

"Y/N" both of them said with shock.

"Y/N you have active camouflage" Sinon asked

"Yes I do"

"Y/N get down" Kirito said and pushed Sinon to the ground. I jumped on the ground

I asked Kirito "why did you push Sinon"

"Look it's one of the other contestants" he did flips and dogged bullets. He used a shotgun and reckt a guy by shooting him in the face. Then he got shot with a electromagnetic stun and fell to the ground. A man popped up and did some weird hand gestures then shot him. He moved around a lot then disconnected.

"He must be Death Gun" Kirito said

"Who is Death Gun" I asked

"Death Gun is a player who goes around killing people in the game then they die in real life"

Time skip

We were getting chased by Death Gun when we want thought the city area but for some reason he only shot me and Sinon with electromagnetic stuns well he shot Kirito with real bullets. Sinon got hit with an electromagnetic stun and fell to the ground. I saw this thought my scope, I aimed and fired a bullet at Death Gun. The nearly missed him it hit this clock after that I ran towards Sinon. I don't want her to die. She can't die, not now.

I made it to Sinon and Death Gun was gone. I stayed near Sinon in till the effect wore off then I picked her up. I hugged her tight and said "I don't want you too die, I love you to much"

"I love you too, so don't die on me too"

As I hugged her she pushed me away a bit then leaned in for a kiss. As we kissed Kirito came around the corner and just looked at us. We noticed him and we stoped. Death Gun came out of nowhere and tried to shot us with stuns but we dogged them. We ran for it and found a buggy on the way. We told Sinon to shoot the horse but she couldn't. She just couldn't pull the trigger then I put my hand on the trigger too and we pulled the trigger together. We didn't stop the horse but we made enough time for us to get away.

Time skip

We found a cave and hid in it. The cave hid us from the satellite scan but it won't be long in till the remaining players figure that out. So that means Death Gun will figure and try to kill us. Sinon was still scared so I said Kirito look at the map and I'll look after Sinon. I sat next to the sacred Sinon and she rested on my lap then hugged me. "Sinon are you ok?"

"I can't lie to you, no"

"Is it something about your past that Death Gun triggered."


"The real you took the place of Sinon didn't it"


"Well I'm here for you and I love you"

"I love you too"

"Sinon, we can beat Death Gun and stop him ok"


"For now just rest" Sinon slow napped on my lap.

Time skip

We all got together and made a plan so Kirito will be the beat for Death Gun and Sinon will be the lookout. I will be there if anything goes bad. Then Kirito stepped out of the cave and the scan started. Death Gun was lured he started to snipe Kirito but Sinon found him shot but missed. They both saw each other and fired at the same time, their bullets went pass each other and destroyed each other's scopes. Kirito started to fight Death Gun with his photon sword. Kirito was getting beaten. Sinon used her bullet line to distract  Death Gun, he tried to go invisible. Before he disappeared I shot at him and he didn't see a bullet line because I don't use the bullet circle. At the same time Kirito hit him with his sword. The bullet hit Death Gun and the slash cut him in half. The final guy came pass and I shot him in the head without hesitation.

Kirito said thank to us for helping him stop Death Gun. He asked for our names and addresses because he wanted to check up on us and make sure we're ok. Then he said na is ok you don't have to.

"We live right next to each other so it ok, you don't have to come over" Sinon said


"But anyway I'll tell you my name and address anyway" Sinon walks up to Kirito and whisper in his ear her name and address.

I to the same and then Kirito comes up to us and whispers into our ears his name "Kirigaya Kazuto"

Sinon and I both had the same idea and put out a grenade. Then we activated the grenades and hugged each other then we pulled Kirito in too.

Winners of BoB are Sinon, Y/N and Kirito

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