Chapter 15

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"Trust is like paper. Once its crumbled, it can never be the same again."-unknown


"Look carefully at the target Charlie, focus." My voice sounded muffled in my own ears as the bullet was for now the third time released from the gun.

Not a single target had been taken down and from where i stood it seemed like a target wasn't going to be hit.

Charlie pulled an earmuff away from on ear turning Around and sighing, "I can't do it."

Rolling my eyes and taking the gun from my waistband, i pulled the trigger three times from exactly the same position knocking all three of the targets.

He stood mouth agape his eyes not moving from the first target.

"Maybe if you listened, Charlie, you wouldn't be staring with your jaw on the ground." I folded my arms once again after put the GLOCK back into my belt.

He chuckled shaking his head, "you just got that because you're lucky."

Shaking my own head and reflecting his smile, "not lucky, i listened and trained hard." Taking the earmuffs off and sitting on the bench behind.

He followed picking his bottle up taking a swig of the protein shake i had forcefully made him make.

His leg pouncing impatiently in the ground he looked towards me opening his mouth a few times before shaking his head and drinking more.

"What's the matter?" I asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

His brown wavey hair was ruffled his deep brown eyes staring intently into my own hazel ones.

Damn those eyes were just so hard to stop looking into.

Quickly diverting my gaze to the targets ahead to stop the crazy thoughts from distracting me.
I waited for him to continue.

"This milkshake's disgusting." He said looking into his bottle and frowning.

I remembered the first time Caleb had made me a protein shake i gagged until he pulled it off me.

And yes, i told Charlie it was a milkshake or else he wouldn't have drank it.

"Look at the targets carefully. You can see the red dot can't you?" I asked pointing across then looking at him.

He nodded in response as I continued, "the dot never moves so nor should your arm. It's the wrist the holds the whole movement." He nodded once again, eyeing the target.

Taking one last swallow of the "milkshake" he stood taking the GLOCK and pointing it in the exact way i had told him earlier.

Flexing his shoulder, steadying his arms and placing one hand below the handle before releasing a bullet and shooting directly at the target pushing a hole through the sheet.

I felt my lips tug into a smile, clapping my hands in pride.
He turned around his face holding an equally pleased look. "Lucky shot." I added winking at him as he rolled his eyes.

Moments later the door pushed open, Zack stepping in holding bags of what looked like takeaway food.

Glancing around the room and walking towards us giving Charlie a fist bump on the way he settled down next to me placing the food on the bench between us.

"Pissing it down outside isn't it." He said struggling to open the knot on the bag.

"Yeah because we've been outside haven't we." Charlie added sarcastically, tucking the gun into his waistband.

They both chuckled as the bag finally opened revealing 4 large packs of chips and 3 burgers.
He handed them to Charlie and Me then began opening his own.

The gym door opened again but this time in stepped Noah.

His face looked fresh and eyes brighter than how they looked before. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans and half sleeved black shirt with red Jordans.

Coming into the gym and staring directly at Zack he approached us holding his hand out for Zack to shake.

Was this it? Is this how boys make up and become friends? What happened to all the bitching stages and the fight and the stupid posts on snapchat?

Taking his hand and greeting him with a bright smile the boys sat down and began discussing the football match as if nothing had happened.

Noah moved to sit beside me resting back and relaxing his tense shoulders. "So hows training going?" He asked looking up at the sheets that had holes pinned in at random points.

I nodded watching Charlie absorbed in a conversation with Zack, listening intently at every word in great detail.

"He's getting there, its only been a few days but he's got the hang of most things." I mumbled so that Charlie couldn't hear most of the words.

"Im sorry." Noah whispered this time looking at me helplessly. "I've stop- im trying to stop." The plead was very clear in his voice and i knew from there that I couldn't be angry at him any longer.

I nodded, offering him a small smile as he pulled me into a tight brotherly hug my own arms draping around his shoulders.
As good as all this felt I couldn't help notice the strong smell of cigarette smoke that still lingered from him.

Pulling away and turning back the Charlie who still seemed so engrossed in the rubbish Zack was spilling from his mouth i saw the small flicker of comfort that spoke through his eyes.

Realising my shoulders were lifted up in tension i let a small sigh out and relaxed leaning back against the wall behind.

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