Chapter 12

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It was getting late and we really should be heading back to shore.
"Baby, come on we really need to get back" I said as I kissed her neck.
"Uurrrggghhh do we have to" she whined
"Unfortunately yes don't want a search party for us plus I need to get ready for the show tonight I'm singing a few songs with Blake." I said
She gathered up her stuff and I pulled the anchor up and we set off towards the shore.
"Are you ok to make your own way back, don't want to raise suspicions" I said as we docked
"Sure will I see you later" she asked
"I will text you once I'm finished and it's safe ok" I said
"Thank you for today Luke it's been amazing" she said quickly kissing my lips
"My pleasure" I smiled.
I watched her walk along the dock as I looked around hoping no one seen me but I had my shades in and my cap down.
I pulled my phone out and text Carter
Luke: Hey buddy I will be there in 20 minutes to collect the boys
Carter: No problem I will see you in a bit, hope you got this sorted
I knew what he was meaning so I texted back
Luke: Definitely nailed it.
I then deleted all the messages between Harper and me just in case Caroline found my phone laying about. I didn't change her name though.
I got to Carters in no time. The boys came running out
"Daddy we missed you" they both said
"Missed you too buddies. Did you have fun today"
"Yeah Uncle Micheal took us swimming and we had pizza and ice cream and candy" they said excitedly
"I can see that, thanks Uncle Michael for making sure they don't sleep tonight" I laughed
"My pleasure" he said
"Boys why don't y'all go grab your things and I will get you at the buggy I just need to speak to Uncle Michael about tonight's show"
"Ok daddy" They said running
I waited until they where out of sight and said
"Thank you again for today. Where did you say I was"
"I told them you had to do an interview and you where on a boat doing it, just in case someone saw you at the jetty." He said
"Caroline won't question that she knows I always have interviews when I'm doing a show."
"Well how was it" he whispered
"Buddy it was awesome. I won't go into the details but definitely the best I've ever had" I said smiling
"You going to see her again this weekend" he asked
"Hopefully tonight if I can get away, but when I was in the boat Caroline called thanking me for the Spa day and she assumed I did it because I want to try and make things better between us" I said
"Oh so a slight backfire on that plan then" he laughed
"Yip. Well I better get going, I will see you on stage tonight ok and thanks again"
I walked over to the buggy and jumped in and chatted with the boys and we made the short drive to our villa.
I saw mama on the balcony smoking a cigarette
"Mewmaw" the boys called
She waved down "Caroline is waiting for you. Boys y'all come up here and see your meemaw let daddy go see mama" she smirked. I know what she was meaning.
I walked in and I heard Caroline call me from the bedroom. I walked in and she was laying on the bed in sexy lingerie. Fuck.
"He baby. Lock the door and get your sexy ass over here" she said
"Baby as much as I want to I need to be on stage in a few hours" I said
"This will be done in ten" she said grabbing my shirt and pulling me on to the bed. How could I say no.

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