Chapter 34

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It was a week till I went on Tour and Caroline still hasn't been back to the house. Her sister called me having a go about how out of order I was but she soon changed her tune when I told her some few home truths about her precious sister.
It has been a busy week and I have had the chance to see Harper at all but I have called her and text and we have FaceTimed as well for those special alone time which was brilliant.
I'm leaving my Lawyers office where I have filed for divorce and he told me at even though I am on tour I should still get full custody of the boys because Caroline has already told him she wants nothing to do with them, which I think is well out of order because all this ain't there fault and she is the god dang mother. He also told me that it should be finalised in a month or so as long as it's not contested by Caroline and if it is then it will take longer and I will need to fight her in court for a divorce, which I could be doing without.
I went into a coffee shop for a quick drink for the drive back home. The boys where at school and I had a few hours spare. I wonder if Harper is free.
I ordered my coffee and dialled up Harper
"Hey baby" she answered
"Hey so I was wondering what are you up to this afternoon" I said
"Well I'm actually heading into the city with some blood samples for the vet so I have a few hours spare" she said
"Do you want to grab lunch with me I know this great little place" I asked
"Like a date" she laughed
"Yes like a date but it's not like a date I would actually take you on. Once I'm divorced I want to show you off to everyone" I said
"Such the romantic" she laughed
"So lunch then"
"Yes I need to drop these off and I will meet you say around 1"
"Yes meet me at Merchants in Broadway at 1"
"Cool I will see you then. Love you" she said
"You too" I smiled
I grabbed my coffee and looked at the time it was 1015 I had time to head home get changed real quick and back to town. I got home about 1045 record time but at this time of the day the traffic ain't that bad. Mama was in the living room watching some morning television
"Hey sweetheart" she said as I came in
"Hey mama" I said kissing her cheek
"So how did the meeting with Fraser go" she asked
"As well as can be expected, it should be finalised in a month if she don't contest and I should get full custody" is said grabbing my jeans and a t shirt
"That's good. Hopefully she don't contest well she shouldn't if she knows what's good for her. You have offered her a great deal and a house so she would be stupid not to" she said
Mama has been slowly learning that Caroline wasn't the saint she thought she was and that hasn't came from me it came from the boys.
"Mama can you do me a favor, can you iron my shirt for me" I said
"Yeah where you off to remember you have the boys to pick up" she said taking my shirt
"I have a lunch date with Harper kinda impromptu but I ain't seen her in over two weeks" I said like a lovestruck teenager.
"I'm glad to see you smile again baby. So when do I get to meet this girl. You know mama needs to vet these people" she laughed
"Soon mama hopefully real soon." I said running upstairs to the shower.
I was washed and ready in twenty minutes. A quick spray of cologne and out the door
"Have fun and remember the boys" mama called
I arrived at Merchants

 A quick spray of cologne and out the door"Have fun and remember the boys" mama calledI arrived at Merchants

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at a quarter to one that gave me enough time to get in and get a nice quiet table at the back. I text Harper telling her where I was sitting. Ten minutes later she walked in wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse

 Ten minutes later she walked in wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse

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I almost shot my load in my pants. I got up adjusting my jeans and met her half way
"Dang Girl I need to start taking my dogs to your vet because you are stunning" I said kissing her cheek.
She was blushing
"You don't look to bad yourself. I love this place one of my favourite places to eat." She said walking to the table
I pulled the chair out for her and she sat down
"I've missed you" I said
"Me too, feels like forever since I last saw you,"
We chatted about everything what has been happening with me and we had food. I looked at my watch it was 245 and the boys got out at 315
"Shit I need to get going baby I have the boys to collect. When do you need to collect your samples" I said
"Not till 4 I'll just hang about till then" she said
"Come with me you can meet the boys" I said
"Are you sure baby I don't wanna impose" she said
"Your not now come on" I said grabbing her hand
I paid the bill and we walked out to the car. Just as we were going to get in the car I saw Caroline. Fuck.
I got into the car hopefully she didn't see me and then I saw Nilla come out a bar and meet her. Thank fuck she was with someone.
"What's wrong baby" Harper asked
"Caroline is over there"
"Well let's get going before she sees me. It will only make matters worse"
I put my foot down and headed towards the school.

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