Chapter 52

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Christmas Day

"Luke wake up the baby is coming" Harper yelled
I jumped up I had no idea what time it was or what I was doing as I tried pulling on clothes.
"He's a whole week early" I said
"Well he is coming now" she yelled.
We found out we where having a boy which I was loving and so was the boys. Harper was a little peeved at first but she then came to the idea as long as he had ten fingers and ten toys she was happy.
I ran out the bedroom and be greeted with two tired boys
"Is Santa here" they both said rubbing there eyes
"No buddy your baby brother is coming I need to take Mama Harper to the hospital ok. Meemaw will look after you ok" I said
"Luuuuuukkkkkkeeee" I heard her yell.
"Bo, Take Tate out to the guest house and wake meemaw tell her to come quick" I said as I ran into the room
Harper was standing in a pool of Water
"My waters have broke I done think we can make it to the hospital in time." She said panicky 😱
"Ok baby I will call the EMT and they will come here" I said.
A few minutes later mama came flying through the door
"I see my grand baby is making an early appearance just like his daddy" she said going over to Harper
"It's ok sweetheart mama is here. Luke go get some towels and hot water I think this little man is going to be here soon" she said
I ran to the bathroom and got what mama asked for. Even though I was in the delivery room with both boys I was still nervous as hell. This was Harper's first baby and she was doing it drug free in our bedroom.
I heard her scream as I ran back through
"Luke I swear you ain't getting near me ever again" she screamed
Mama laughed as she told Harper to pull her legs up and when she had her next contraction to push as hard as she could. I held on to her hand and I swear i thought she was going to break it.
"Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh" she screamed as she pushed
"I can see the head honey your doing fantastic" mama said
I heard the EMTs arrive
"Boys go let them in I called down stairs."
They came up as Harper was doing her final push. He was here
"Omg baby he is gorgeous, ten fingers ten toes" I said kissing her head as mama passed baby on to her chest. The paramedic did there checks and I got to cut the cord.
"Well done honey" mama said "so do y'all have a name for this gorgeous boy"
"Clay Luther Bryan" we both said

 "Well done honey" mama said "so do y'all have a name for this gorgeous boy" "Clay Luther Bryan" we both said

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The boys came in and I took there photo of them
And there new brother. This was the happiest I had ever been. It just goes to show that sometimes you can't help your feelings.

The End

Authors Note

Hope you guys liked the story. I am working on something new at the moment and new chapters will be up ASAP. Thank you.

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