Chapter 24

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Harper's POV

"I can't believe I fell for his bullshit Ally" I cried
I was on my way to the airport.
"Harper honey something must have happened he said he would meet you. I just wish you would turn your phone on in case he has tried to call you" she said rubbing my back as we say in the back of the cab.
I had turned my phone off after I sent him the text saying I had gone.
"Fine but I can guarantee he ain't even bothered. I was just another notch on his bed post some silly fan that fell for him" I sobbed
"You fell for him. Harper what are you saying you actually have real feelings for him" she asked 
"God I don't know. He's married he has kids that would make me a home wrecker." I said
Just at that my phone started ringing it was Luke
"Answer it" Ally said.
After the third ring I answered it
"Hello" I said quiet
"Harper oh my god I'm so sorry" he said sounding frantic
"Your time for for was 630, I waited till after 7 and you never showed" I snapped
"Darlin, I was on my way and I needed to get the boys back because she was being an ass, my battery died and by the time my phone had charged I looked at the time and it was gone 730" he said without taking a breath
"I'm at the airport now. I need to get checked in" I said
"Harper please don't do this give us a chance"
"Luke give me time to think about it ok. I'm still hurt and I'm not thinking straight. When you get home call me ok but please don't call until you are home." I said
"Ok I promise I will call when I'm home"
"You already broke a promise" I said
"Well I ain't breaking another one baby because I think we have more than a fling I think I ........
The phone cut off either his battery died or we where out of range. What was he going to say.

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