Chapter One

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When she was done screaming she continued to stare at the creature, mouth ajar. He looked at her for a few seconds. "Close your mouth, or something'll fly in there. Lots'a bugs out," he said. She looked at him dumbfounded. She closed her mouth. He sounded surprisingly normal for a monster who just took out three of Aleiro's meanest thieves. And it looks like he killed Amir. No real loss there. Unsure of what to do, but pretty sure she was going to die she only watched him warily. He stood there as if wondering what to do with her. "Hey! You!" he barked at her. She sat up in alarm. "Why were these men after you?" She said nothing, too scared to speak. Long seconds passed. 

Finally, he threw his head back and laughed, as if realizing how traumatized she must be after watching him maul those men. "Oh, take your time," he said in a bemused manner. He absentmindedly cleaned the blood off his claws, and then they "retracted" back into his fingers somehow. The red eyes cooled into the color of sackcloth and his face looked more like that of a man. He took a step at her menacingly, with a boo! and she jumped back in fright.

He chuckled at that merrily. "Geez, a jumpy one aren't ya?' He grinned at her. His teeth were normal now.

What in the hell is happening? The logical part of Evee's brain was clicking in now, trying to make sense of what just happened. There was no way this was happening. Was she dead? Or dreaming? Had Amir and his cronies beat her unconscious and she was only dreaming this? Yes, that must be it, there was no other logical explanation. Going with that, she was still alarmed at how real this dream was. She never thought of herself having a creative imagination. "W-Who are you?" she said. The creature looked up at her as if forgetting she was there. "So, she speaks, at last, huh?" he grinned at her. She wanted to slap him for being so difficult. That is if she wasn't paralyzed with fear. 

Instead of answering her question the creature said, "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt'cha, probably." Without waiting for a reply he said, "Hey! Wanna help me move the bodies?" As if in response one of the goons started moving, groaning. "Oops, you might wanna look away, this might be kinda gross." the creature said. Whistling some unknown tune, the creature sauntered over to the poor goon. "Hey, there little buddy! How's it going?" the man's eyes went wide in surprise and he tried to crawl away. With a hiss, the creature's claws shot out and dug into the man. He writhed and Evee tried to not to lose her lunch. 

Screw this! She tried to get up but couldn't because she was transfixed by what she saw. The creature seemed to be draining the man. Not of blood, but lifeforce? She watched as the man became paler and his hair went the color of ivory. She saw little sparks every now and again. The goon fell back motionless. The creature stood up, red eyes aflame. He was smiling and seemed pleased with himself.

He saw the look of consternation in her face. "Ah, c'mon don't give me that. We both know these were terrible people. Yes, I didn't kill these men by accident. I knew they were evil men." Evee searched him with her eyes, puzzled. "You, however, I do not know. Who are you?" "M-my name i-is Safiya Magdy, b-but I go by E-Evee." she said. She stared at the ground, her heart going a million miles per hour. The creature thought about that. Its hunger abated it looked more calm and relaxed. Its claws retracted and its' eyes reverted back to its normal color. It looked at her calmly.

"I am the devil."

That scared Evee.

"Nah! Not really! Haha. Actually, I'm Catholic. Non-practicing of course." he laughed at his own dumb joke and slapped his knee like some cartoon. Is he, is he an idiot? She wrinkled her brow. What the hell? Is it screwing with me? Before it eats me too? At this point, she didn't really care anymore. Orphaned at a young age she didn't even remember her own parents. She had only her surname to remember them by. Magdy. Born somewhere in Aleiro, Egypt she had been aged out of the orphanage when no one wanted to adopt her she had to become a runner for the Guild of Thieves. Proving her meddle she moved on to be an Apprentice Novice and did relatively well for herself. Besides the guild and a childhood friend who ended up passing away, she had no one and nothing. Might as well let the creature eat me and be done with it. I have no reason for living, other than spite.

Getting impatient Evee wanted some answers but was still too afraid to speak her mind. She repeated her question. Who are you? 

"I already told you. A Catholic, and... and an archaeologist! And a pretty damn good one if I do say so myself." 

She still didn't know if it was joking again. She didn't even know its name. "B-but what is your name. And w-w-what are you?" she said. 

"Oh. God! I didn't even tell you my name! Ha! Must be getting senile. My name is Alcinous. Alcinous Sealy, but you can call me Al. Pleased to make your acquaintance..."

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