Chapter Twenty-Two

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Al struggled but couldn't break free. He was alarmed at these revelations and was momentarily speechless. "So because she could not see the beauty in you, you forsake the whole human race? I too once considered the path you now walk. But you know what? I refused! It was too easy! Too easy to fall into hate and darkness," said Al.

"Is it really right to damn them all for the actions of a few? There are still good people, though you refuse to see it. You're too small minded to expand beyond your pain, to become stronger, and see the bigger picture. I also lost someone dear to me. I loved her with all my heart. But you know something? She accepted me, the monster that I am. And she loved me with everything she had, knowing what I was. Until fate cruelly pried us apart. That is why I refuse. Refuse to walk this path of darkness that you walk."

Lucifys was quiet momentarily. Then his face twisted up in rage. "Then, my son, you shall die. Perhaps I was wrong about you. You do not have the will to do what must be done. To exact true justice."

He waved his hand chanting an incantation. Whirls of dark energy formed about his hand. "It only seems fitting that you perish by this."

The staff of Osiris appeared in his hand!"Goodbye, my son." He aimed the staff at Al's chest. Lucifys seemed almost sad, almost human.

Al swallowed and said, "You are no father of mine."

Lucifys's face twisted in rage. The staff glowed a brilliant color.

Suddenly there was a flash and a spray of blue blood.

Al and Lucius looked at each other momentarily, dumbfounded. A stump of blood gushed where Lucifys's arm had been. He bellowed in pain.

Evee had pulled a sword from one of the angel statues and used it to literally disarm him.

In an instant, he whirled around and impaled Evee with his remaining hand. With a scream, she fell to the floor.

"Noooooo!" yelled Al. A swarm of hellish flies erupted from his mouth and surrounded Lucifys momentarily distracting him. They seemed to be burning and biting him somehow.

He lunged at Lucifys to finish him off but was beaten back. He was too tired and beaten to deliver a killing blow. Finally, in a death embrace, they were at an impasse. Tendrils wrapped around Al.

"If I can't beat you then I'm taking you with me!" Screamed Lucifys. Al looked at him in confusion. Lucifys closed his eyes and began to mutter and otherworldly incantation. A ring of blue symbols surrounded them booth and an ethereal light engulfed them.

What is he doing? Thought Al. He's going to self-destruct somehow! Desperately he tried to free himself but he couldn't. What about Evee, was she okay? What would become of her? Al craned his neck as far as he could but he could not see her.

Was this how it all ends? He had failed. He had failed Evee. He had failed everyone. Evee... and he would be reunited with his first love. He just hoped God had mercy on his soul and would let him into heaven, even if only to see her. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

Lucifys was muttering fanatical ecstasies. The light was overwhelming, Al felt himself start to disintegrate and fade away. "A new world order! A new world order!" Lucifys was screaming.

"Shut the hell up already!"

Lucifys chest exploded outwards in a firework of blue and purple that sprayed the wall, as his body was launched against it. Through the huge gaping hole in his chest, Al could see Evee with the Staff of Osiris, it was still burning hot.

They locked eyes briefly before Evee crumpled to the floor.

Near blacking out Al shambled to her side. Black tears forming at the corner of his eyes. "Evee..." was all he could mutter. She had saved his life. Again. He couldn't lose her, he couldn't. He had found true love again. And he was about to lose it again.

His mind kept flashing back to when he lost his first love. Why did this keep happening to him? His black wings spread in sorrow and anger. Three deep gashes in her midsection were badly bleeding. The blood on her shirt made it seem like some monster had burst out of her like some bizarre parasite. It was a miracle she had made it this far.

There was nothing he could do. He watched helplessly as she died, cradling her in his arms.

He sobbed and trembled as her breaths became more haggard and strained.

A dark thought.

No, I couldn't do that to her. I never had a choice, I never had a choice. How could I be that selfish? How could I...

Evee started to violently cough up blood and in panic Al bit into his wrist.

He shrugged off the mental voices telling him to stop, his desire to save her was overwhelming. He raised his wrist over her mouth as drops of black blood started to drop out from the wound. A few dropped into her mouth and she swallowed. Then with a partially projected claw, he gently poured forth his dark energy into her wound. Not too much, just enough. Just enough to save her, not enough to, not enough to...

After a few minutes, her breathing stabilized. After several more her wounds seemed to closed and heal a little.

Al was ecstatic. Evee's eyes briefly fluttered open. They looked at each other.

"I love you," said Al.

"I love you too," said Evee. Then she closed her eyes and conserved her strength.

From the distance, eyes were watching them.

Lucifys was fading in and out of darkness. The fight had gone out of him. He had been watching them. Al and Evee. He watched as Al held Evee and cried. He watched as they told each other they loved each other. 

Woman and monster. In love. So foolish. Just like he had been. But maybe, just maybe it was real. Maybe it would work out. Perhaps he was wrong. Perhaps there was some still some good in the world.

And as the darkness took him he breathed his last.

He smiled.

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