Chapter Sixteen

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Al had managed so far but his wounds and fatigue finally became too much for him at last. At first, he dipped, but then finally passed out and they both veered towards the ground at an alarming speed. Trees rushed by in a blur and Evee opened her eyes in time to steer them towards a house with a soft looking roof. 


A thunderous noise erupted as they smashed through the roof of a small Egyptian home. Thankfully it appeared unoccupied. Insects made their music in the night. Evee emerged from the wreck relatively unscathed, except for a large gash on her arm and a majorly sprained ankle. She was a little rested from their flight but her wounds and aches from the pyramid were still fresh. 

Al looked totally out it and she couldn't blame him. He was covered in blood -- most of it his, some from the skinchanger (blue), and a little bit from the men he had killed. This was bad, she had to drag Al out of here before anyone noticed. He was terrifying to look at right now and his huge black wings were still stretched out. And gods was she hungry. 

Well, since they were here already (and had destroyed their roof) she supposed the inhabitants wouldn't mind if she helped herself to some of their food. She found some tamiya in a woven basket. Tamiya is a type of Egyptian fava bean fritter that looks like little smushed brown bread rolls. She inhaled them in an instant. 

What other goodies were in here? Evee managed to score some fig roll cookies along with orange and almond cake. She finished those off as well. Hey, with the destroyed roof a few missing pastries would be the least of the owners' worries. She scanned the house. It was a pretty standard home; dishes and pots and pans in the kitchen, a few couches and throw pillows in the living room. There was some artwork on the walls from an artist she didn't know.

Gingerly she walked past the rubble and took a peek outside. The dark light of the moon shone like an otherworldly gem, casting its light fingers on the deserted streets. Long angry shadows like demon fingers stretched out at her. Palm trees stretched out to the heavens, jutting out like stalagmites amidst the mudbrick homes and apartments. 

Suddenly she felt little beady eyes burning into her. She spun around. There, a few meters away was a little dog. It was a pharaoh hound, beige in color, looking like a cross between a dingo and greyhound with long Anubis-like ears. He didn't look happy. His lip trembled and he let out a soft little borf, more accusatory than inquisitive. 

This could be bad. Evee searched if she had any treats on her to appease the canine but came up short. Surely she could calm this little doggie, couldn't she? She had helped find the Staff of Osiris and battle an immortal squid-demon from hell, she could manage this as well right? "Hey, there lil' guy! How're you doing? You're a good little guy arent'cha? You're not gonna bark at us, right buddy?" She reached out, wanting to give him a good pat on the head. With a yarf, he dodged her hand and jumped back. He began to growl. 


"Hey, c'mon Mr. Puppy, there's no cause for that. Just let me slowly back away and I'll go on my merry little way. Sound good?" Apparently, it did not sound good, because little rover howled his mightiest, shattering the silence like a stone through a stained glass window. Crap. Frozen in fear she watched in alarm as sleepy villagers woke up and walked out to the street. 

"Madha-," "What?" one of the villagers said. She tried to turn back into the house but one of the villagers saw her and yelled stop. She weighed her options, she could make a run for it but that would only incite the villagers, and she would have to leave behind Al. If she managed to placate them somehow maybe she could sneak away with Al when they were distracted. It was now or never. She turned around and said "Help! The roof collapsed! Go get help!" The villager moved as if they were going to walk over, but Evee shooed them saying "Quick, get help!" The villager went running the other direction trying to get help. Gotta get out of here before they start asking too many questions.

Then the little dog started yapping like crazy, he must have detected Al's scent and didn't like it. That little stinker. Another nosy villager popped their head out, curious. No, nothing to see here, please go your merry way. The pharaoh hound puppy would not be quiet. The villagers started walking over. Evee tried shooing them away as well but it wasn't working. Gods, Al wake up! "Hey, what's going on over there?" 

Aaagh, that little dog has ruined everything. So cute, but so dastardly. Evee tried to block the view with her body but it was too late. "Hey! What's that?" asked a villager. Evee turned to see what she was talking about and her heart stopped. A black, devilish wing lay twitching in plain view. Damn, had he shifted around? She should have moved his body. The villager yelled "iiblis!" meaning "devil." The villager kept yelling and soon the rest of the people started pouring out of their homes in confusion and alarm. They were coming.

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