Chapter Twelve

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"You never told her what happened to your mother, or your village? Or what you did?"  said Lucifys.

Al looked at the ground, his face red. "Oh, I suppose I shall then. As you might imagine that little village didn't take kindly to having a monster among them. And what did they do? What humans always do. Destroy. Hate. Cause suffering. They destroyed your house, burned it down. Made you an outcast. They even killed your mother. Your beloved mother..."

Streams of black were starting to drip down Al's face. He raised an arm in anger. Lucifys raised the Staff threateningly. "Uh-uhh," said the skinchanger. Putting a taloned hand against Evee's throat. "Don't you see, humans are trash! Scum to be wiped from the planet! You knew the truth then! When you massacred the whole village in revenge! It was glorious!" 

Evee looked at Al in shock, he made no reply. "You saw the truth, the beautiful truth, our savior! It took so little effort for me to get the village to turn against you. They were so petty, hearts so full of darkness. You -"

 "Enough!" said Al. 

Lucifys fired back "Don't you see! I gave you purpose! Don't you know the supposed origins of our powers? Yes, the legends of Osiris and all that crap! You wanna know the truth? You're not special! I'm not special! It was just a freak accident."

"The Watchers from far, far away came. They messed with human DNA. For what purpose I don't know. For fun, to influence human evolution, I don't know. As for me I was abandoned by my parents and left to die. Probably human parents. That was long, long ago. I'm like you, just a product of the Watchers' experiments, however long ago that started. You a vampyrus, I, whatever I am. Cthylus, skin changer, whatever."

"I know what you want the Staff for! Oho, it's not for riches or renown that's for sure. The Staff is one of power. One of legend." Lucifys's anger screwed up in anger. "You wanted to bring them back, didn't you? You're precious humans! You and your damn village!" 

Evee looked at Al in surprise. Al looked at Lucifys darkly. "Well, I have news for you vampyrus! The Staff doesn't work that way! The dead are dead! You can never bring back your worthless human dogs!" 

A look of hurt flashed on Al's face. "And now you must choose! Kill this girl and embrace your fate!" Lucifys threw her to the ground. "Kill her and take your place by my side as the savior of the world! The righteous judgment against all humans, the wrath of the gods!"

 Al looked at Eve. "A-al? Help me! Let's get out of here! We found the Staff! Kill this guy and let's get out of this hellhole!" 

Al said nothing. 

He only walked ominously over. 

Evee looked at him confused. "Al? C'mon let's go! This place gives me the creeps! And I'm really hungry! C'mon man, this place really blows let's get out of here!" 

He remained silent, he was almost there. 

Finally, a note of fear in Evee's voice.


"Yes, kill her! With this final act declare your war on the humans and join me in bringing out true peace in this world!" said Lucifys, a fanatical expression on his face.

Evee's eyes went wide in fright. 

"Please no! What are you doing! Al? Al! I know you care about me way deep inside! Or at least am fond of me.  I know it would hurt you if harm came to me! What are you doing?"

"This isn't like you! This isn't like you..." Tears like little streams poured from her eyes, heartbroken. "I trusted you." 

The only sound was the hysterical laughter of Lucifys. 

Al raised the Staff over her head and Evee closed her eyes slowly in defeat...

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