Chapter One: Captainsparklez

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Hey guys! It's Ghost again and this time I am making a youtuber hunger games! Don't worry if you don't see everyone you want to see, I will make a sequel including Roosterteeth and the rest of the Creatures, along with anyone else that you guys want! I honestly have no idea who I'm going to let win this time, so this will be a surprising experience for me as well! HOWEVER! You can help your favourite youtubers along! Just fill out a form saying what you give them, and what your name is, and what the note would say. (Basically you're a sponsor!) so anyway, happy hunger games, and may the odds be ever in your favour! By the way, I didn't do the whole "one girl one guy" thing, because I couldn't think of very many girls I would like to put in there. (No offence to anyone, of course!)


(Captainsparklez's POV)

Well, I was finally here, standing on the podium, waiting for my death. Yes, I was standing in the Hunger Games arena. Ahead of me, I see the cornucopia, filled with tons of useful gear that I would need desperately. My plan, however, was to turn around and bolt in the opposite direction. There was no way I would be apart of that bloodbath. One problem, though.

The cornucopia was on a pillar, and around it was a huge chasm, seemingly endless. The podiums we were all standing on were also pillars, and if you fell off, you were dead. The path to the cornucopia was a series of rock pillars, also suspended in the huge chasm. If you turned around, there were more parkour pillars, and then you would land on solid ground, and a forest would surround you, which was perfect.

I shuddered violently as the countdown started. I immediately felt dread seep through my veins as I observed who I would be up against. Some of the people I spotted I recognized, such as Markiplier, whose face had gone pale even though he was trying to feign confidence. I also spotted Antvenom, who looked deathly calm. He would definitely be a target, seeing as he had skill in these sorts of things. Surprisingly, I only spotted two females perching on a podium. Marzia, who was looking over at Pewdiepie as tears streamed down her face. And Cupquake, who was jumping in place, getting pumped up.

Then I heard the announcer.

It has begun.

I saw a blonde leaping across the chasm, parkouring easily on the pillars as he raced towards the cornucopia. Beside him, a hefty man seemed to be helping out, steadying the blonde whenever he was needed. They would be a dangerous team. I think those two were Seamus and Nova, and surprisingly Aleks was nowhere to be seen.

I turned and ran, leaping from pillar to pillar and praying that I wouldn't fall. When I finally landed on solid ground, I looked for a tree to hide in. Scrabbling up a sturdy pine, I stayed completely still and quiet, making sure I wasn't found. My plan was to wait out the initial bloodbath and wait for everyone to leave before finding an ally.

I wince as I hear a familiar voice, raised in a fearful scream. Antvenom. The scream was soon followed by a cannon. I felt fear and helplessness take over as I began breathing heavily. If he had died, how was I supposed to survive?

From my perch in the tree, I still had a clear view of the cornucopia and the pillars. Only a few people had went for it, and now everyone was retreating. I watched in horror as Nanners leapt towards Sky, driving his shoulder into the other man's back and sending him flailing over the edge of a pillar. Sky opened his mouth and yelled, flailing his arms uselessly as he plummeted to his death. Nanners shuddered briefly before turning and running, seemingly unharmed. The cannon marked his retreat, as well as Sky's demise.

On the other side, I see Ohmwrecker standing in front of Minx, shielding her as Kevin advanced towards the duo, a knife in his hand. I hear Ohm yell at Minx to run as Kevin lunged, plunging the knife into Ohm's neck. Onm stood there and sputtered for a minute before falling as the cannon sounded. Minx was nowhere to be seen. Kevin looked down at the body, shock freezing him in place. He shook his head and ran, guilt weighing him down.

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