Chapter Two: Minx

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Hey again! It's Ghostie! I hope you're enjoying the story so far, and feel free to ask for a certain character you want to see in a chapter! For now I'm just randomly giving the chapters to random characters... Anyway, enjoy!


(Minx's POV)

I ran for the cornucopia, fear pulsing through my veins as I leap from pillar to pillar. As soon as I'm there, I grab the first thing I see and run. I keep running and leaping until I'm finally on solid ground. I breathe out a sigh of relief and prepare to keep running.

Until I hear a voice behind me. I whirl around, coming face to face with Kevin.

"I'm sorry, Minx." He whispered. I had no clue what he was talking about.

Until I saw the knife in his hand.

"Kevin, no! You don't have to do this!" I blurted out frantically, stepping backwards. I suddenly remember I grabbed a weapon. Looking down, I shake my head when I realize I grabbed bottles of poison. Good one, me. Those won't help. I yell as Kevin advanced towards me. "Help!" I yelled fearfully, looking around.

Then a familiar form stepped in front of me, shielding me from Kevin.

"Back off, Kevin." Ohm snarled, anger evident in his voice. He didn't have a weapon! He was going to die because of me!

"Ohm, don't!" I plead, feeling tears form in my eyes. Kevin started running towards us, holding out his knife as he yelled.

"Run, Minx!" Ohm ordered, his voice strangely calm and level. He stood his ground as Kevin came to a stop in front of him, a crazy gleam in his eyes. Ohm began to lift his hand to place it on Kevin's shoulder, offering comforting words. "Kevin, you don't-"

The dark haired man cut him off by plunging the knife into Ohm's neck. I scrambled to my feet and bolted, crying nonstop. Ohm was dead. Kevin killed him. It was her fault. All her fault.

Coming to a stop under a tree, I sat down, still sobbing as I wrapped my arms around my knees. I longed for Krism, but at the same time I was glad my fiancée wasn't stuck in here with me. My shoulders shook as the tears slowly stopped.

I sat there for a while, having no will to go on. What was the point? I would just die anyways. Someone would kill me, and I would fail.

No. I stood, looking down at my poison bottles. Krism would want me to win. And try I would. I would get my revenge on Kevin and get out alive. For her. I kissed my palm and held it up to the sky, smiling sadly. "I love you." I whispered before getting up and running, a renewed vigour in my step.

I stopped when I came up to a small lake, with trees covering the shore on the side I was on. As far as I could tell, I was alone. Taking a step onto shore, I looked around warily. I leaned down and dipped my hands into the water, bringing them up to my lips and drinking slowly.

I gasp when I hear the trees rustle behind me. Two men step out as I raise my hands in surrender, causing water to run down my arms, glistening in the light.

The first man I recognized as JonTron, and he smiled gently as waved slightly. He took a step towards me and opened his mouth to greet me. "It's alright, random chick! Oh, you're Minx!" He chuckled. I couldn't be scared of him, he looked so friendly and welcoming.

The second guy stepped out from behind Jon, giving me a suspicious glance that only lasted a moment before turning into a smile. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. I soon realized that this was Sly, one of Kevin's friends.

I nodded, feeling the tears threaten to spill over as I shuddered. "Ohm is dead, Kevin killed him."

Jon's face stayed neutral, neither of those people meant much to him. He gave me a reassuring smile, however. Moving forward to rub my back.

Sly's eyes widened and he gasped quietly. "Kevin..." He whispered, shaking his head. "Why would he..." His voice trailed off as he looked up at me. "I'm sorry." He said simply, his eyes glassy.

I nod and show them my bottles of poison that I got from the cornucopia. "I have these..." I murmured quietly.

Jon picked up a bottle and examined it closely. "These could be useful.." He decided, handing it back to me. "Make sure you don't lose them."

I nod and shove the bottles into my pockets. "What now?" I asked, wariness sneaking into my voice. If these two turned on me, I was fully prepared to try and kill them.

Sly thought for a moment before speaking up, nodding slightly. "We're looking for my friend Aleks, and Jon's friend Ego, if you wanted to come with us." He offered, shrugging slightly.

I nod thankfully, smiling. "Yeah, that would be great." I agree, laughing slightly. Well, I'm not alone anymore. And this could help her find some of her friends. Yami had probably already got himself into trouble, and Wade and Bob are probably struggling too. Mark would be fine, he would find an ally easily. So the plan was find Kevin, kill him, and then find Yami, Wade, and Bob. Great, that sounded easy enough. Not.

Jon motioned with his hand for me to follow him. "C'mon, we've found a good place to hide before we set out." He said, heading over to a thick cluster of trees that had a small gap in between. It was shaded by the trees and blocked off by the rocks and trunks, so it was pretty safe. I looked up at the sky, gasping when I realized the sun was setting.

I eagerly followed the duo into the gap in the trees, finding a hidden and comfy spot to sleep.

"Goodnight, Jon. Goodnight, Minx." Sly said sleepily, giggling as he fell back onto a pile of pine needles.

"'Night." Jon replied, checking over the rocks one last time to make sure nobody followed them.

"Sweet dreams." I yawned and set my head down, closing my eyes. I wasn't comfortable at all, but I was exhausted beyond belief.

As I drifted into sleep, all I could see was Ohm, falling in front of me as blood pooled on the ground. And then Kevin, plunging the knife in again and again. I shook my head, dispelling the exaggerated images as I let sleep take me.


Aaaaaaaand that ends this chapter! I hope you liked it!


And what about Ego? Where is he at?

Yami, Bob, and Wade are probably screwing things up, though. So that's a thing.

Stay spooky, my boos!


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