Chapter Five: Jacksepticeye

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Hey boos! Ghostie here with a filler chapter for YHG! I think Jack and Wade are going to be used in filler chapters, seeing as they are alone. I think it would be cool, having two lone wolves! (Three, if you count Aleks. But shhhhhh, I've got something special planned for him...) As always, I hope you enjoy! <3


(Jack's POV)

I had somehow managed to survive both the beginning and the earthquake, although there was one tiny little problem.

I was completely alone. Wonderful.

I sighed, getting up and brushing dirt off my pants as I look around warily, wondering if anyone managed to find me yet. Hell, I just wanted to fight someone. This game was getting to me. That, or the fact that I hadn't seen anyone yet was leaving me paranoid and skittish.

I coughed, blinking dust out of my eyes. I had to find something to drink. The dust from the aftermath of the earthquake had left me dry and parched beyond belief. I get up, heading towards... Well, heading in a random direction. Honestly, I had no idea where I was going.

After a few hours of constant searching, I reached a break in the trees.

"Hell yeah!" I cheer quietly as I find myself on the shore of a tiny lake, the water lapping up at the sand under my feet. I lean down to drink and freeze once I spot a strip of fabric, lodged between two stones not far away from where I was. I abandon my drink and head over to investigate, taking the fabric between my fingers and looking closely at it.

Wait, wasn't this the fabric from Minx's shirt?

What had happened here?

I cover my mouth with my free hand, confusion plastered on my face as I pondered the situation, had this just been unlucky?

Or did someone try to kill her?

I almost yelped in surprise when I heard a voice nearing the edge of the trees. I dive for cover behind a nearby tree, my breath coming in shallow gasps. I didn't have a weapon.

I sigh in relief when I realize that it was only Pewds, Toby, and Yami, heading right for the space between the rocks, where I had found the fabric.

I take a step out from behind my hiding spot. But I quickly gasp and scramble back behind it once I get a good look at Pewds. Something about him seemed.... Off. His eyes had a cold gleam to them, and both his hands were curled into tight fists.

Behind him, Yami and Toby kept their expression carefully neutral, exchanging glances every so often when they thought Pewds wasn't looking.

"Come on, we have to see if they had anything useful." The blonde swede growled, moving into the makeshift shelter.

Toby followed him eagerly, and Yami came after, a bit more reluctant.

I strained to hear the rest of their conversation, but my veins run cold at what I heard next.

"Are you sure we should have left Ego and Bob in charge of guarding them? Those two aren't exactly the most... Able." Toby looked over at Pewdie, smirking causally.

Pewds scoffed. "If Jon and Minx manage to kill those two morons, good. Less work for us later."

I watch a flash of anger cross Yami's face, lasting only for a moment. The British lad looked like he was going to say something to defend his friend, but he kept silent.

I can't help but feel a cruel rush of relief. When they first said Minx was with someone, I was scared that they meant Mark. But once I heard it was Jon, I could calm down. My hero wasn't in trouble yet. Hopefully.

I watch Pewdie pick up a couple bottles of poison. He smirked and stowed them in his pockets, motioning for Yami and Toby to follow him. "We're done here. Let's go see if our little... Prisoners know anything about where our threats are." He let out a cruel laugh.

That's all I could take, I turn and run, leaving that horrifying scene behind me.

I know what I have to do.

I have to find Mark.

Before Pewds does.


OHHHHHHH SNAP! Minx and Jon were captured by Pewds and his crew! But where did Sly go? Also, what will Pewds do with that poison, and who are his targets? Will Jack find Mark? And also...


Stay spooky, boos!


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