Chapter Three: Pewdiepie

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Hey boos! Ghostie here again with another chapter of the YHG. This time it will be told through the eyes of Pewdiepie, and I must warn you, there will be feels in this chapter, so beware! As always, enjoy! <3


(Pewdiepie's POV)

As soon as the announcer told us to go, I ran as fast as I could over to Marzia, brushing her hair out of her face and whispering reassuring words to her.

"It's okay, I promise I won't let anything happen to you, I promise we will be fine..." I whispered, feeling tears well up in my eyes. I didn't want her to die, I wanted her to be safe.

The others were at least respectful enough to leave us alone, and they all either ran to the cornucopia or ran away from the fray. Not us, though. We were standing on Marzia's podium, crying like the fools we were.

We found shelter under a broad tree and rested, watching the sun dip deeper into the red horizon. As the names of the dead flashed up, I felt a pang of guilt. I could have saved those people. I curled my arms around Marzia and put my chin on her head gently, feeling her drift off to sleep. I decided it wouldn't help to stay awake any longer, so I let the darkness cloud my vision. I just hoped I wouldn't dream of death.

We woke up to a sickening rumbling sound, feeling our whole body shake. Earthquake? Damn it! I grab Marzia's hand and pull her up, racing to find high ground. Cracks began opening in the dirt in front of us and beside us, and I wouldn't stop. We had to keep going.

Marzia got tired after a while, so I scooped her up in my arms and sprinted as fast as I could, grunting as every footfall became more work as I began to tire. As I was running, I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

"Pewdie! Help me!"

I whirl around, the ground still splitting open around us. I spot Cry, his mask still on as he struggled weakly. Then I saw the problem.

His leg was trapped beneath a rock, and blood was pooling quickly. The rock must have fallen on him when he was sleeping, and now he was trapped. I took a step towards him but stopped, feeling the earth shake more violently beneath us.

Marzia sniffled and began to sob in my arms. Should I risk our lives running to Cry and helping him, or should I leave? Could I risk Marzia? Could I leave Cry on his own? I didn't want either of them to die!

But I had to have my priorities straight.

I turned and began running in the opposite direction, towards a hill in the distance. I ignored the sobs and screams and pleas for help coming from Cry as I left him to die.

"Pewdie please! Don't leave me! We're best friends, remember? We never leave anyone behind!" Cry screamed, tears choking his angelic voice.

Just keep running, just keep moving.

I shook my head and continued running until we reached the hill, and I gently placed Marzia on the ground as I shuddered violently. The earthquake died down, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I sat in silence for a while, putting my head in my hands and sobbing pathetically.

"W-Why did you l-leave him?" Marisa asked weakly, her voice trembling.

"I had to, Marzia. You might have died if we risked going over there." I chocked out, shaking my head.

She stayed silent after that, but the sadness stayed in her eyes. She reached out and took my hand, curling up on the ground and preparing to sleep. I sighed, defeated as I follow her lead, laying my head to rest on the dirt.

At least Mariza was safe.

In the morning, I looked up to the sound of footsteps approaching. I gasped and leapt to my feet, shuffling protectively in front of Marzia.

Egoraptor, Bob, Tobuscus, and Yamimash all stood in front of me, smiling slightly. Toby offered a hand to Marzia, who took it gratefully and pulled herself up.

I felt a frown forming on my face. "What do you guys want?" I asked coldly. The whole Cry incident left me icy inside.

Yamimash scratched the back of his neck and tilted his head to one side, giving me a cheeky smile. "We were wondering if you would like to form an alliance with us? We were going to look for Antvenom, but he..." The Brit let his voice trail off, smiling sadly. "Yeah.."

Egoraptor and Bob exchanged a strange look, but both of them kept quiet.

Toby grinned and patted me on the back, leaning up to ruffle my hair with his other hand. "Dude, we would kick ass!" He cheered, laughing.

I blinked slowly and considered my options. Mariza would be safe with more people around, and nobody would dare challenge us. I nodded, smiling slightly.

"With one condition." I said, shifting my weight from foot to foot, considering my options. "You all have to listen to every command I give you, and you will all have to protect Marzia no matter what." I offer, looking down at my beautiful girlfriend.

Marzia opened her mouth to protest, but Toby cut her off. "Of course! I guess that makes you our leader now? Welcome to the winning team, Pewds!" He laughed again.

Yamimash took a step back and whispered something in Bob's ear, who in turn whispered it to Ego. They all shared looks of mistrust and concern, but they still stayed quiet. Bob smiled politely at Marzia, but that was it.

"Yeah." I agree, feeling a cruel glee bubble up inside me. "This is the winning team."



So Pewds left Cry to die, and a EARTHQUAKE HAPPENED? WOAHHHH
And now Pewds is leading the "winning team"? WHAAAAT
What were Yami, Bob, and Ego saying?
Will Marzia live?
Will Pewdie turn evil?
Will Mark and Captainsparklez survive the earthquake?
What about Sly and Jon and Minx?
And also

Stay spooky, boos!


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