Chapter Four: Seamus

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Hey boos! Ghostie here with yet another chapter! Maybe we will finally find out who killed Antvenom? Hmmmmm? This one will be told through the eyes of Seamus, so be prepared for sarcasm, hm?


(Seamus' POV)

As soon as the announcement to go was rang, me and James immediately grouped up, leaping from pillar to pillar as we reached the cornucopia. We thought we were the first ones there, and James went around to the other side to check.

I leaned down, taking some throwing dagger in my hand and searching for food, slinging a backpack of supplies over my shoulder. All was going well, until we heard a voice.

"Seems I'm not the only one here, hm?" Antvenom sneered, taking a step towards me, a mace in his hand. Where the hell did he find that thing? He brandished it skillfully, spinning it towards me with surprising force.

I spit some angry curses and backed up, nearing the edge of the pillar with the cornucopia on it. Shit, I was going to fall! He continued to inch closer, a crazed laugh bubbling up from his throat. Other than that, he looked perfectly calm and relaxed.

"James!" I called, only seconds before Venom lunged at me, yelling. Where was he? Now would be a good time for that ass to help me!

Venom was inches away from me as I felt a solid weight shove me sideways and away from the edge. I landed hard and cursed violently, getting up and blinking the dirt out of my eyes.

I spotted James, his arms constricting Venom as the other man lashed at him with the mace.

James grunted, spinning slightly so Venom was facing the chasm, and pushed him in, taking the mace from his hands as he fell.

I felt my eyes widen as Venom let out a pained scream, filled with remorse and sadness. Most of all, it was filled with raw fury. Venom had truly believed he was going to win, and we had just taken that chance from him.

I shake free of my trance as I notice James looking down at me, a cocky grin on his face. He extended a hand towards me, and I grabbed it, pulling myself up. "Thanks." I mumbled gruffly, avoiding his eyes. I probably looked weak, because I couldn't fight for myself.

"No problem. Team?" James wiggled his eyebrows and laughed, helping me across the pillars.

"Yeah, I guess we're a team."


I sat under a tree, putting my head in my hands and sighing. "I still can't believe you killed him..." I mutter, remembering Venom's scream that had sounded almost not human. I hadn't slept the night before, kept awake by terrifying images.

James scoffed and glared at me lightly, standing in front of my so he could look down upon me. "I only did it to save your sorry ass." He growled, shaking his head.

I glared back at him, shuddering slightly. "Well it sure as hell wasn't my fault. You were the one that attacked him-"

"Because he was trying to kill you! I would have had so many supplies and I would have been long gone if you wouldn't have got in his way!" He snarled, anger lighting up his eyes.

"Maybe you should have let me die then." I replied, my voice filled with an icy calmness as I got up and brushed past James, heading off further into the woods. I hear him yell after me but I keep walking, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment.

Then the ground began to shake.

"Shit!" I yelled pathetically, gasping as a huge crack formed in the ground in front of me. Rocks were tumbling around me, and trees were falling. "JAMES!" I yell at the top of my lungs, turning and running back to our tree. I sob quickly when I realize he wasn't there. I was going to die alone.

I turn, gasping as I see a tree begin to fall right in front of me. It was going to crush me. I hear a sickening crunch as the tree fell, landing on my back. Everything stated to blur, but before I blacked out I spotted a familiar form, heaving the tree off of me and picking me up gently as the world stopped shaking.

"J-James..." I mumbled quietly, my eyes closing as the blackness took over.

"I would never let you die, idiot."



Seamus is screwed now because of his back.

And I just realized I haven't planned anything for Jack.

Should him and Aleks be together? I have no idea.

Speaking of Aleks...


Stay spooky, boos!


The Youtuber Hunger GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora