Chapter Seven: Pewdiepie

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Hey guys! Ghostie here with another chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying this~ sorry if it seems I'm using Pewds' POV too much, he's just the main villain in this story >3<' anyway, enjoy!


(Pewdiepie's POV)

I grumble when I realize that Minx's and Jon's camp had nothing useful in it but a couple of poison bottles. Great. Oh well, I could probably use them to kill off some of the morons that chose to follow me.

As me, Yami, and Toby made our way back to our own camp, I let my gaze travel to Toby. He was smart, and he followed orders without a hitch. He was also ruthless, which I liked. I wouldn't kill him off, he is too useful to me.

Next, I looked over at Yami. He has certainly aroused some suspicion within the group, and I still wasn't sure if I could trust him, and he seemed to have a deeper connection with Bob than me or the others. They could attempt to kill us and escape, but we all know that wouldn't work. Me and Toby would make quick work of those fools.

We were nearly back at camp, and I let my thoughts drift to Ego and Bob. Those idiots didn't even know the first principles of surviving, and they were simply morons. (It hurt me to write that) And without me, they would have been dead in seconds. I'm only keeping them alive until they have no more uses.

When we arrived, I snarled in fury. Jon was gone, and so was Minx. Bob was staring at Ego, shock and fear crossing his expression.

When they heard me arrive, Ego snapped his head up and gave me a fearful glance. "They- uh, they got away! I couldn't stop them! I tried, I promise!" He pleads, shaking his head quickly. Bob was slowly backing away, moving into our accusatory group, leaving Ego alone in front of us.

"You let them leave?" I moved towards him, my voice eerily calm and level. I look over my shoulder at Toby, and he nods and hands me a knife. I lunge forward and press the knife up to Ego's neck, alive with fury.

"They were our keys to finding everyone! They were looking for the people we needed to find! Now we have no leads. And it's all. Thanks. To. You." I let my voice trail into a menacing whisper and I lower the knife, ready to plunge it into the other man's chest.

Before I killed him, I looked over my shoulder at Bob, a sweet and friendly smile on my face. "Oh, Bob. You didn't help this traitor, did you?" I ask, smiling even wider now.

He shook his head frantically and gulped. "No."

"Good." I turn back around and send the knife into Ego's chest, and just like that, he was dead. The cannon accentuated my calm anger as I dropped the body, turning to look at my remaining group. "You see what happens when you don't do what's best for the team now, right?" I ask, the sweetness and honey back in my voice.

Toby nods, his eyes glittering. Yami shuffles in front of Bob, in case I tried the same thing on him. But both of them nodded.

"Good!" I conclude, clapping my hands together and grinning. "We'll all get along just fine, then!" I laugh, but my laugh gets cut short when I hear a frail voice behind me.

"Pewdie... You killed him...." Marzia whispers, her eyes filled with sadness. But there was something else in her eyes, something that send a guilty chill down my spine, turning my smile into a frown.


She was afraid of me.



so, Jon and Minx escaped, and Ego was to blame! And when is Yami finally going to turn on Pewds? What will Marzia do? Where did Minx and Jon go? All questions I will answer in the next chapter of YHG!

Stay spooky, boos!


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