"How to Get More Reads" Sneak Peek and Q&A w/@BrittanieCharmintine

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One of the most common, if not the most common, questions for writers on Wattpad is how to get more reads, votes, and comments on their stories. The chapter Debra Goelz (BrittanieCharmintine) wrote for The Writer's Guide to Wattpad is must-read material if you're feeling stuck. Trust me when I tell you she was more than qualified to write it up. Here's a look.


Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek

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**** Q&A w/BrittanieCharmintine

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**** Q&A w/BrittanieCharmintine

What Year Did You Join Wattpad?


Why Did You Join Wattpad?

I had worked really hard on a short story I planned to submit to Lightspeed Magazine for a competition called "Women Wreck Science Fiction." And then, as it turned out, I missed the deadline because I read the deadline for the "Women Wreck Fantasy" contest instead. Dejected, I got in the tub with my iPad and opened The New York Times. There was a headline called "The Future of Publishing." I was intrigued. So I read the article, which was all about Wattpad. It was incredible reading about this new way to get your writing out into the world and develop a community with other readers and writers.

What's Your Favorite Part About Writing?

That moment of discovery. When a character reveals herself to you. When a metaphor pops into your head and you can't believe you even thought of it.

What's Your Least Favorite Part About Writing?

My internal critic, who is an evil harridan!

What Advice Would You Give to a Writer Just Starting Out on Wattpad?

I think I answered that in my contribution to the Guide. But basically, be professional, work hard, interact with fellow users, encourage others, keep going.

How Do You Write? (mobile device, desktop computer, etc.)

On my computer. Using Word. Love the spell and grammar check.

If There Was a Sandwich Named After One of Your Characters, What Would it Be and Why?

I don't seem to have much in the way of sandwiches in my stories, though they are full of food. Can I say "Cupid's Magical Tacos?" Tacos are sort of sandwiches. :D

How Much Input from Readers Do You Use for Your Stories?

I'm not constantly changing the story; however, if I agree with the suggestion or if there is a consensus on an issue I will change the narrative. I try to be judicious. I am the one who knows where the story is headed after all. (usually!)

What Motivates You to Continue Writing?

I want to improve. I do it to prove to myself that I can make it. My readers are also a huge motivation for me. When someone cares about reading your work, it is a real kick in the behind.

What's Your Favorite Place to Read a Book?

Everywhere? But in reality in bed, when I'm on the exercise bike, on a plane, in a restaurant.

Do You Think Technology is Making the Craft of Writing Better or Worse?

Better. I often think about Jane Austen or Charles Dickens trying to "cut and paste" passages on paper. To me writing in the computer is very freeing. You can put anything down and know it can be changed. Moved. Rewritten. Improved. Add to that spell and grammar check, which aren't perfect, but better than not having them at all. The only drawback to technology is that there is so much content out there, it's often hard for readers to wade through what is good. And for an author, it's hard to be discovered. This is where Wattpad's algorithms can help people find works that will appeal to them and aid authors in being discovered.

How Do You Manage to Stay Away from Social Media While You Write? Or Is that Even Possible?

This is a huge problem. I am kind of jealous of Hemingway and Morrison and Bradbury and every other pre-social media author who got to spend time writing and not on social media. But here's the deal: whenever I switch off my wifi, intent on getting in some solid writing time, inevitably I need to look something up. So back on it goes, notifications beckon from the screen. On the flip side, the world is at my fingertips. I can look up anything I can imagine. Hemingway didn't have that. So ... tradeoffs?!?!

Socks While Writing: Yes or No?

Usually, yes. I am a sock proponent.

Where is the Best Place to Write a Book?

I write on my sofa in the family room, which looks out over a meadow and a redwood forest. I've worn a divot in the sofa cushion.

Suppose You Just Inherited $1 Million. What Would You Do With the Money?

Donate a good chunk to children's causes. Travel. Rent a writing cottage somewhere on the beach, invite my friends, write together during the day. Have silly cocktails at night.

With Whom Did You Last Text With?

My daughter.

Smartphones: Apple or Android?


Hemingway Said to "Write Drunk, Edit Sober." What Do You Say to That?

I say do it all sober. But my brain is wacky enough without artificial enhancement.

Do You Think Writers Should Leave Their Older Works Up on Wattpad Even if They Don't Reflect Where They are Now?

Great question. I think if readers are still enjoying them, and they aren't too terrible, then yes. Because I think it's good for people to see that improvement is possible. I think it's okay to have an Author's Note up front explaining that it is an unedited early work.

You're Floating High Above Earth, Alone in a Space Station. You Hear a Knock from Outside on One of the Windows. What Do You Do?

Rush to the window to see if Matt Damon is lost in space and needs a lift.

If You Could Live Inside a Fictional World Created in a Book, Which One Would You Choose?

Probably Harry Potter, but only if I could be a witch. Being a Muggle wouldn't be much fun.

How Much Coffee is Too Much Coffee?

In theory there isn't any such thing as too much coffee. In reality, more than 2 cups.

Anything Else You'd Like to Add?

I would like to thank BenSobieck profusely for the opportunity to participate in this project. And thank my readers, who are my inspiration.


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