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"Miko" bulk said in a high pitched voice.

"I thought you were dead spider." I said with as much venom as a posionis snack.

"You almost killed me that time but he saved me, then when I fully recovered I was sold to the highest bidder and that happened to be Lord Megatron." She said walking towards us and bulk steped in front of me but I walked around and walked towards spider.

"You should have died you bitch." I said as a ground bridge opened behind us and the others of team prime came out.

"Miko, watch your language." Optimus said looking down at me.

"Sorry, optim-" I was cut off by spider laughing at me.

"I never thought I would see the day that the great waves would be tamed. I thought you never listened to anyone." She said looking me in the eye.

"That was when I was waves. I am no longer her I am miko now, and the things I done then I will never do again." I said as my face turned cold as another bridge opened behind her and Megatron came out of it.

"Spider stop talking to the autobots human girl and find me the one that nearly killed you." Megatron said to her.

"But my Lord the girl is waves and I can prove it." She said back as she got ready to attack me. She then attacked...

"You shouldn't have done that." I said as my hair and eyes turned silver and my skin palled till it looked like snow. I then said. "Sonic blades." With a move of my hand towards spider she was on the ground covered in her own blood.

"Miko, that's enough." Optimus said

"As you wish optimus." I said coldly, and turned to him then bowed at the waist and started walking towards him, but Megatron picked me and spider up in his servos and walked to his ground bridge.

"If only you knew what your little human girl was capable of and now you will receive that power the next time you see her." With that he walked into the bridge.

Transformers prime Miko's  secretWhere stories live. Discover now