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"Let me go or else bucket head!!!" I shouted at Megatron as I tryed to get out of his grip.

"Oh, what would you do little human. You can't use your powers." He responded with a smirk.

I then smiled and said. "That's what you think." With that his smirk fell and my hair grew longer and turned silver as well as my eyes, my skin paled, even my clothing changed into silver armour. I had gauntlets that go out to a band on the middle finger. The chest plate curved in on my breasts revealing some of them, the skirt was short in front and down to my knees in back, and my boots were healed and came just above the knee.

"Lord Megatron look out!!" Spider shouted but it was to late.

"SHOCKWAVE" then a massive shockwave knocked me out of Megatron's hold and I then landed on my feet. I then looked up at him then shouted. "SONICWAVE." They were then blasted away by a sonic scream from me.

"Soundwave, detain our guest before she can leave." Megatron said as I ran towards the ground bridge. What he doesn't know is that I don't need the ship to open a ground bridge.

I saw Soundwave in the room with the ground bridge. I walked out and he seen me and looked my way. I then said...

"ground bridge." one opened up and I walked through and walked out and I was in the autobot base. The bots looked shocked at me as well as jack and raf. The bots got out of their shock and aimed their blasters at me.

"Who are you and who did you get here?" Optimus asked with his battle mask engaged.

"Optimus it's me miko. I'm just in my waves form I can prove its me. I love slash monkey, and play the guitar. Also the base was infested with scraplets the first weekend we knew you." I said turning back into myself and the armour disappeared and my original clothing appeared. When optimus nodded the bots turned their blasters into servos.

"Miko, how did you escape Megatron?" Optimus asked kneeling down to so I could climb on his hand so I did and he brought me to be optic level with him before I answer him.

Transformers prime Miko's  secretWhere stories live. Discover now