It's time for Mauji and Mamta

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Hey Guys,
So since the Suidhaaga trailer is out, I have an idea to do a Sui Dhaaga inspired one shot. This will obviously have Varia's POV but will include Anushka's also.
So without much further ado, I will proceed with the one shot.


I had been sitting very nervously on my bed at home because the Suidhaaga Trailer was coming out today and Anushka and I were ready to meet the press.
Anushka was calm and collected but I on the other hand was a nervous wreck.
I was very tense and the only person who would cheer me up and give me confidence was Alia.
I rang up her number and she picked up in less than a minute.
" Hello?" I said.
" Varun, hi. How are you?Hey isn't the trailer coming out today?"She asks.
" Yeah. I'm a little nervous." I tell her.
" Varun, nothing to be scared about. Its all going to be Ok. You love your trailers. Especially when the film is close to your heart. " She replied.
" Yeah. This one is. Its a very real story. " I inform her.
" Hey I'm going to be home only. Why don't you come over after." She tells me.
"Yeah why not. I'll come. " I responded.
" So where is the press conference being held. " She asks me.
" YRF studios." I tell her.
" Can I come. I have no work and I'm home playing with Eddie." She considers.
" You know I think it's a bad idea. I mean the media will not focus on Anushka and me and instead focus on you and me." He tells me.
" Okay. You come home later. I'll be waiting. We'll watch the trailer together."She finishes.
" Okay. I'll see you. " I told her.
Then I cut the call and changed into what I was going to wear for the trailer launch.
It was a black the shirt and black Pant and a jacket with some thing on it.
I then rushed out with my phone and wallet. I called a auto and said,
" Yash Raj Film studios. " I told the driver.
Thankfully I remembered sun glasses so I put them on so not to be recognised.
I reached in ten minutes,ran in and saw Anushka sitting on a bench supposedly waiting for me.
" Varun, what is wrong with you?" She asked.
" What?" I asked.
"You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago." Anushka whined.
" What's your problem Anu?" I asked.
" Varun, believe it or not I'm also nervous. This movie is completely different and isn't like any of my other movies. She replied.
" Ok if you want to know I was late because I was stretched on my bed chatting with Alia. " I spoke honestly.
" Obviously. " She told me.
" What's that supposed to mean?" I ask her.
" You always call Alia when you're  nervous? " She tells me.
" I don't. I call Alia when I need advice." I tell her.
" Hey, I'm sorry for getting mad at you. " She apologies.
" It's OK. " I tell her.
" I am sorry about bringing Alia into the conversation. " She tells me.
" Alia is good and I am a big fan of her. She is amazing and is very sweet to watch you with her. Varia really is a very cute ship name." She replied.
"Um, I really don't know what to say to that. She will be happy I guess. " I informed Anushka.
" Varun, I'm sorry. I know I hurt your feelings and you have very intimate feelings for Alia." She told me.
" No. I don't." I replied.
" Varun, of course you do. Everyone knows it. Everyone can see it." I told her.
" Arrey baba Ok sorry." She finished.
We were ready to be called on any minute.
Anushka and I were called on and we started posing together.
" Anushka, I said. You know Alia and I have a very love hate relationship." I told her.
" Yes I do know that. Its a nice thing you have going on with her. But does she have to be in every conversation we have together?" Anushka questioned.
" No. " I replied.
Then after posing we finally sat  down and started interacting with the media.

A few hours later

I was very tired. We had finished that session and that's when I realized Alia will be waiting for me.
I had a thought in my mind telling myself to just cancel but then I called her and she picked up.
" Varun, how was it? Was it fun? Did you take loads of pics. " She questioned.
" Are you still home?" I asked.
" Huh? I asked you like three questions and you ask one?" She said.
" Sorry. Just very tired. It was exhausting. We had to sit and answer questions." I replied.
" Varun, overacting mat karo. We have done that also together and you have never complained. " She told me.
" I know. " I replied.
" Well, I only called to ask if we are still on." She finished.
" Yes. Why not. I'll come over in 10 minutes. " I told her.
Then I cut the call and stared driving over to Alia's house. I was there in 5 minutes.
I just thought of waiting in my car but then I decided on just ringing the doorbell.
Then she opened after 2 minutes.
"Hi Alia. " I told her.
" Varun, It's been too long." She commented.
" Huh?" We met each other last week for Kalank shooting. I miss you a lot." I finished.
" haha Varun Dhawan you're a softie." She told me.
" Come here. " He told me.
Then Alia came towards me and put put her hands and hugged me and put her chin on my shoulder.

Varia I Feel Love One Shots Where stories live. Discover now