Chapter 1: Friends

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Jasper POV

"Bye Jasper!" Peter yelled back to me "I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for" 

"thank you Peter! nice to see you again Charlotte" i shouted back to them they both nodded and waved i felt remorse from Peter, he didn't want to leave me but he knew he had to. Peter smiled once and then they were gone.

I was on my own now, it was time to find my missing piece. whatever that was. i started my treck, I didn't know exactly where i was i only knew it was in the northern part of the U.S. as i ran through the forest at a blazing speed, i listened for some hikers or maybe a rock climber.

I hated that i had to kill people but it was how i survived i caught wind of a lone hiker and changed directions. I slowly approached them, i looked out and saw them, it was a man, probably in his mid 30s. i walked out onto the trail

"hey!" I shouted he looked back at me, he smiled and nodded slightly "out for a morning hike?" i asked walking closer

"yah, got to get out before its too hot you know." i nodded and smiled just one more step.

"totally" I said on his immediate left now. we walked in silence for a few moments  "you out here all alone?" i asked making sure 

"yah" he replied "none of my friends will go with me" he was alone, we walked a few more steps and then i lunged, i did it so fast i'm not sure he even felt it, i reached out with both hands and snapped his neck, then i slowly lowered him to the ground as his heart slowed and then stopped.

"I'm so sorry" i said then i bit his neck, once i had finished i stood and walked away, leaving his body for the cops to find later.

I was about to walk back into the woods off of the beaten path when i heard a small growl from behind me, i barely had time to react before i was flat on my back, on top of me holding me to the ground was a girl, i immediatley caught her scent, she was a vampire.

"What the hell?" i shouted in surprise, it had been a very long time since i had been knocked down. 

"you killed him" she growled, i met her eyes for the first time and realized they weren't the usual red of a vampire but a bright piercing gold, the color suited her features. 

"and you've never killed anyone before?" i asked her 

"of course not!" she shouted as if offended by the idea, like it wasn't the natural way of life for our kind

"what do you mean? how do you survive?" i was genuinly curious but i also wanted her to get off of me. before i even asked she stood, and she stared down the path her eyes narrowed at something in the distance then she looked back to me. immediatley i felt the waves of disgust and pure anger rolling off of her 

"not here" she said simply then she turned back and ran into the forest. i don't know why but i followed her as she ran. she stopped in the middle of an open clearing and i stood in amazment as her skin glittered like diamonds in the sun, i finally got a good look at her, she had golden eyes perfect angular features, and waist length wavy brown hair but in the sun it had a reddish tint to it. she wore a skin tight black tank top, and a pair of white jean shorts with no shoes, her skin was pale white just like all vampires. and when she spoke her voice was a beautiful sound like bells, but although she was gorgeous i didn't feel any attraction to this girl, though i did feel strangely drawn to her.

"I survive off of animal blood, thats why my eyes are gold not red like yours." she explained, interesting i'd never heard of a vampire doing that though i supposed it could work, this girl was proof. 

"I didn't want to kill the man in the woods, i didn't know there was a way to survive without killing humans" she looked at me in sort of a shocked surprise, and i felt those emotions coming off of her. 

"maybe I can show you how" she said, i thought on it, it would be nice to have a companion

"I'd like that" I said, she nodded and held out her hand for me to shake

"Bella Swan" she said i grasped her hand with my own

"Jasper Whitlock" we shook hands, and i had a feeling we would be friends for many years to come.

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