Chapter 4: School

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Jasper POV

"Alice!" i shook her shoulders. as soon as she had sat down on the couch her eyes had glazed over and she had just sat there motionless for 5 full minutes before she finally blinked and shook her head.

"Bella" she muttered, then louder "Bella, Jasper you have to go, she's in danger, the diner you have to go back!" i didn't even care if she was right or not i was out the door and running through the woods on the side of town in seconds.

when I reached the diner, i listened to what was happening inside, 

"-will she do Laurent?" a male voice asked "i'd like to get this over with" 

"yes, she will most certainly" the one i assumed was Laurent answered

"look" I froze at Bella's voice "you all seem very nice, but i'm no ones sex toy and so if you don't mind i'll be leaving now" I heard the seat creak and i assumed she had stood up to leave, that's was when i walked into the diner, i saw one of them with black hair grab her arm, anger ragged inside me, not my sister, i marched over to them

"oh, but you don't understand, i'm not asking" she shuddered from his touch and i put my hand on her shoulder

"Bella i think we should go, now." we both glared at them

"I agree" she said coldly and yanked her arm from him, i put my arm around her shoulders protectively as we walked out of the diner.

as soon as we got inside the house Bella sat down on the couch and put her head in between her knees, i sat next to her, ignoring Alice and held her in a hug.

"it's ok" i whispered "it's not Mark, he's dead, he's long dead, it's ok Bella, you're ok" Bella had told me about her human life and her physical and sexually abusive boyfriend, not a lot, but enogh to know that was what caused her sobbing fits and to know that whatever had just happened with Laurent was extremly painful for her.

"I'm ok" she said sitting up "i'm good, but we need to leave, we can't stay here it's not safe" I nodded my agreement, we started discussing new locations for us to relocate to, when Alice spoke up.

"Japser" i looked up to meet her eyes, she really was beautiful, i had immediatley noticed in the diner but now i could really look at her, she was gorgeous "we should go to Alaska, the school up there are all small" Bella and looked at one another and nodded, "could i go with you, i don't have anyone" we both smiled at her

"please! we would love to have you, i know you don't remeber but we were best friends in our human life, until..." Bella's voice faded off as she looked at Alice sadly "until the asylum" she continued, Alice and i both looked at her shocked

"why was i in an asylum?" Alice asked her incredulous

"you saw things, possible futures, visions" Bella said

"I still do, thats how i knew to find you, or Jasper, actually" Alice looked shy

"why me?" i asked her

"I saw the two of us, on a beach" she looked up to meet my eyes "you kissed me" i was a little shocked, but not much, i would kiss her easily, she was beautiful, and kind.

"well then" said Bella with a huge smile on her face "your definetly joining our Coven" she spoke, i'll notify the Volturi, Jasper" she looked to me "could you enroll us in school, make sure i'm in all of your classes, i need to watch you" i nodded and we all split up, i went to the computer, Bella to her room to write a letter and Alice stayed in the living room.

2 weeks later

first day of school, i breathed in deeply in the passengers side of the car and closed my eyes trying to calm down

"Jasper look at me" Bella spoke i looked to her "you've got this, if for even one second you don't i've got you, ok?" i smiled at her but she saw through it. we got out of the car and the smell hit my nose, over 100 humans, blood pulsing in there veins i fell back against the car, Bella was next to me "you got this" Bella whispered to me, i nodded and stood straight. we both walked into our biology class and sat down in the very back, i sat in the corner and Bella sat next to me, blocking me in.

the teacher walked in and Bella squeezed my hand once she took our slips to the front to be signed by the teacher. just then a boy decided to sit in front of me. his smell hit my nose and my hands balled into fists. Bella walked back to me, all through Biology i wanted to just passout, the fire in my throat was excruciating.

when lunch came i wanted to die, Bella and i walked side by side to the lunch room, we had fed so much the day before to the point i thought i would explode and yet it did nothing against the sheer volume of human blood in the cafeteria, we walked to a back table that was empty. Bella slipped me her water bottle and i was confused, we couldn't drink water. she simply nodded to me, i shrugged my shoulders, when the liquid entered my mouth i recognized it as bear blood.

I pulled the bottle away and swallowed, the burning in my throat was significantly dulled, i looked to Bella and gave her a smile.

"always thinking" I said

"always" she said, it was kind of an inside joke between the two of us, it felt like she was always thinking ahead and planning for anything that could go wrong so naturally like any brother i teased her about it.

"Hey guys! how's the first day going?" Alice asked as she sat down, she said guys plural but she was only looking at me

"I'm fine Alice" i told her, we had gone on a date a few days earlier and had another one planned for tomorrow evening, she was amazing.

"Bella here just gave me some of this" i shook the bottle and Alice looked at me quizzically

"water?" she sounded so confused i almost laughed

"no" I told her and handed her the bottle, she took a sip and smiled

"nice thought Bella" she complimented her, Bella shrugged

"helped me on my first day" she said, we all laughed and talked for the rest of lunch until one boys words caught my ear 

"damn, have you seen the new kids, i mean, the girls are hot as hell" i growled subtly

"Jasper?" Bella asked me

"humans are disgusting" I said

"doesn't matter, they don't have a chance" she teased, we all laughed about it but it stuck with me.


I'm back! did you miss me? i am officially back home and don't get me wrong vacation is fun but i'm glad to be back!




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