Chapter 8: School (part 2)

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when I got back to the house i burst through the door and flew up the stairs into my room straight to my closet. i got dressed and ready so fast it only took me 2 minutes. when i got downstairs i noticed Alice and Jasper weren't there. i found a note explaining they went hunting and were going to run to school so i should take the car.

I ran out to the car threw it into drive and flew out into the road. i had 6 minutes until first period. i walked into class just as the bell rang. i looked back to where i had sat the day prior and saw that Emmet had chosen the seat next to it, and it was the only open seat. i grimaced internally and walked over to sit next to the boy.

"hey" I said as i sat down

"hey" he said, we both turned to the front, when first period ended i didn't move to leave with the urgency i had the day prior, and regretted it.

"hey, my name's Mike, your Bella right?" i turned to see a young looking boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, as i turned his eyes looked over my body in a way i didn't like.

"Bella Swan, and my eyes are up here" i said, i heard Emmet stiffle a laugh behind me

"um, yah, nice to meet you" he blushed which made my throat burn slightly and rushed out of the class

"that was a little harsh" Emmet said

"I've been dealing with kids like that for over 2 centuries, i'm a little harsh" he looked a little shocked, i guess Edward hadn't told them my age. 

"well I guess i'll see you at lunch?" he asked me, it was clearly an invitation to sit with his family, i didn't see a reason to decline and to be honest, i kind of was excited by the prospect of sitting with Edward

"sure" I said, and then we walked out of the classroom and i headed to second period.

second, third, and fourth period passed in a bit of a blur, when lunch came, Alice was overjoyed to sit with the others and Jasper was very against it but as always, i had final say, so we walked over to the Cullen table and sat. Alice sat in the middle of Jasper and I with Edward next to me and Emmet next to Jasper.

"hey guys, this is my brother Jasper and my sister Alice" i said, breaking the silence between the two groups.

"hi, I'm Emmet, this my wife Rose and my brother Edward" i was grateful that they introduced themselves as well. "so" Emmet continued, a smirk on his face "your the pitcher" he said looking to Alice

"that's me" she said, challenge in her voice.

"well i'm excited to see what you've got" he said

"me?" she said sounding a little shocked "you should see Bells, i mean she can move" if i were still human i would have blushed bright red but my Vampire features didn't betray me. i was true though, i was fast, much faster than was average.

"well then, Ed, you two should have a race" i looked to Edward, he had a glare on his face

"whats your top speed?" i asked, it was impossible to get an exact measurment but he could always estimate.

"I don't know, never tested it" he said shrugging

"a race would be fun" i said, Jasper looked at me quizzacly, i wasn't usually like this, i rarely let loose and had fun. i was uptight and i knew it, the only time i really truly let go was running, hunting, and when i would play around with my family. which is what Jasper attributed my blinding speed to, he claimed it was because i ran so much more than the others when in reality, i was this fast when i was first changed.

"yah, yah it would" my eyes looked up and met Edward's, something flowed through the air, a sort of electricity, almost wanted to reach out a touch him, as soon as the thought crossed my mind i was very angry with myself, what is going on? I still refused to break the gaze though, our eyes stayed locked.

Edward's eyes flashed upwards at something across the room, he growled low in his throat, i turned around to see what he was looking at and saw Mike staring at me i groaned. I listened to what he was saying.

"she's so hot, I'm gonna fuck her so hard, you just watch Eric" I wanted to rip out his throat but settled for glaring at him,

"it's almost like she can hear you..." Eric trailed off I turned back to the table

"if looks could kill" I muttered "he would have been dead 100 times over" Edward chuckled beside me, I looked at him and raised my eyebrow in question but he just shook his head and walked off to class.

the rest of the day went by in a blur, but I found myself thinking back over what had happened in the cafeteria over and over again. why did he laugh? and how was I going to keep from killing Mike Newton, great start to the year, I need to clear my head. 

then on the drive home I realized today was Friday which meant tomorrow was the baseball game, Jasper asked me why I was smiling, I hadn't even realized I was.


Next chapter will be the baseball scene, and there may or may not be some serious stuff going down on the field! see you all for the next update!




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