Chapter 2: Past and Future

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Jasper POV

heres the thing, the way a vegetarian vampire sounds and the actuality of the situation are 2 very. different. things. hard dosen't begin to define the white hot flames that danced in my throat everytime i caught even the faintest smell of human blood. a few times Bella even had to hold me down.

not long after we had been together we discovered we both had gifts, Bella had shields, she had only 5 that she knew of but that was more than most and it was still very possible that she would discover more over the course of her life. 

she had a mental shield that blocked mental powers like mine, a physical shield that would block physical attacks, a 'mute button' as she liked to call it which would block anynoise from getting in or out of the area she covered it with, a power detection shield which only worked through physical contact but was super cool, she could sense the powers of any vampire she touched when it was on, and lastly a power reflection shield anytime she had it on if a power was used against her it would bouce back and affect the user instead.

my gift seemed very small in comparison but Bella thought it was very cool, i could feel peoples emotions and i could also affect other peoples moods. I had always been upset that it didn't work on myself but with Bella's reflection shield if i sent a wave of calm at her it would affect me instead which was very helpful while i was learning to hunt animals.

Bella was a great friend, we kept each other in check, her with my diet and me with her anger, she had quite a temper. she could take down her shields when she really needed to and while together she would let me use calming waves on her to calm her down if she got to angry. one time i found her crying without tears in the forest, we had seperated to hunt but when I was about to take down a deer i felt her pain from over a mile away and I ran to her. when i reached her i told her take down her shield and i sent waves of calm until she stopped crying.

we never discussed the incident again but i did wonder why she had been crying, i knew not to push though, and so i never did. I never asked when she would pace and mutter about random things, or would cry for no reason, i never asked cause she wouldn't answer. 

the only thing i really knew was that she had a past, and it was messed up, and she didn't talk about it, ever. and that was OK, until it showed up.

Alice POV

when woke up i didn't know where i was, or who i was even, it was dark outside but i could still see everything, and when i say everything, i mean e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. each dust particle in the air each individual elave on every tree was hyperfocused. i didn't remeber anything but i did know that i was not the way i used to be, something was different, very different.

I had been wandering the forest for several hours not sure what exactly was happening when suddenly my vision blurred i gasped as i was sucked into a vison of sorts.

it was a diner, i was sitting at the bar when man walked in, a beautiful man, she had chin length honey blonde hair and perfect features, his arms were covered in scars and his eyes were bright gold. 

I was sucked out of the vision and i don't know how but something inside me told me it was a vision of the future, MY future. i knew what i had to do i had to find the diner, and fast, i tried to focus and i remebered a sign on the wall, it had the name of the diner and a map that said Maine something. i had a destination, a diner in Maine i ran, i needed to find this boy, something told me he was the answer to who i was, and what i was.

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