{M I N H O}

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Minho as your boyfriend would include...


the cutest pouts when you don't kiss him, after immediately seeing him

him spamming his social medias with pictures of you two or just you

minho's adorable laugh  {I'm whipped for it}

neck kisses, he loves those and especially your face when he kisses you

eating, all day everyday, he says he eats well and he wants you to be just like him

loves to hold your thigh, giving you a squeeze here and there

cat cafes on the weekend

FaceTimes before EVERY performance

"you're my good luck charm."

he'd make you a couple's bracelet

his soft voice humming songs while he cooks

dessert making everyday

him teaching you the choreography for his songs

"look at my baby dance!" as he stares in awe

he'd take care of you no matter what

even if you two fight and aren't talking, he'd still cook and set a plate out for you

he'd still cuddle you at night

minho believes his small physical gestures convey his love for you, though he tells the members, his love for you is so grand that it can't be shown

minho is a prince


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