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The rest of bus ride they listened to Grover freak out to himself the whole way . So it was not a surprise that when it was over that Grover had to go to the can. You see, when Grover get upset, his bladder act up. So when Grover went to the bathroom at the bus station, the boys quickly got away. Percy hailed a cab and they jumped in.

"East One-hundred-and-fourth and First," Percy told the driver. While Naruto made the Shadow Clone hand sign. Percy looked at him oddly when nothing happened. "Uh, what was that about?"

As the yellow cab drove them away from the bus station Naruto replied, "I made one outside. You know Grover will freak out as he had been about not being able to protect you. Besides….i think it is time he knows what I can do."

Percy gave Naruto a small smile and said, "You know you are going to give him a heart attack."

Naruto gave Percy a smirk as they travelled to his mom's apartment. Along the way, Percy told Naruto all about his mom. "My mom's name is Sally Jackson and she is the best person in the world! That also proves my theory that the best people have the rottenest luck." Percy said as Naruto nodded having heard that from him a few weeks ago.


Grover got out of the bathroom and looked around for Percy and Naruto. He only saw Naruto with his arms crossed. "Hey Naruto, where is Percy?"

"He went home." 'Naruto' replied, making Grover's eyes widen. "Don't worry though, I am with him."

"What? How can that be possible you are right here!" Grover freaked.

"Grover, Mr. Brunner was right. Percy is not normal and in a sense, neither am I." 'Naruto' explained, making Grover sweat under the blond's gaze. "Weird shit has been going on lately and it has been going on most of Percy's life. Me on the other hand, I think that stuff is a bit normal, the thing with people trying to kill you." 'Naruto' then looked around them to see that the bus station was completely empty, everyone had left a while ago. "I know I am not normal because I have powers that normal humans don't have…..remember that Grover because that help me protect Percy like you want." 'Naruto's' form them faltered a bit before it went up in a hail of shadows flying into the nearby shadows. Grover had a look of pure shock on his face.

"No way…"


The demi god duo made it to Percy's apartment and paid. Percy looked up at the apartment nervously and said, "Naruto, are you sure want to come in….Smelly Gabe is a real jerk and he will not be any different to you."

Naruto smile with a bit of annoyance. "Yeah Percy. You told me about your mom and all her history and I still can't figure why she is with this Gabe. Don't worry, I won't anger him…much."

"I am getting a bad feeling about this." Percy said as they entered the building, hoping his mom would be home from work. Instead, Smelly Gabe was in the living room, playing poker with his buddies. The television blared ESPN. Chips and beer cans were strewn all over the carpet.

Wow….it is worse than I expected. Naruto thought with a deadpanned expression.

Hardly looking up, Gabe said around his cigar, "So, you're home….who is your loser friend?"

"Naruto. Where's my mom?" Percy replied shortly.

"Working," he said. "You got any cash?" That made Percy rolled his eyes. What no Welcome back. Good to see you. How has your life been the last six months? Figures…

Percy noticed that Gabe had put on weight. He looked like a tuskless walrus in thrift-store clothes. He had about three hairs on his head, all combed over his bald scalp, as if that made him handsome or something.

Naruto Prince of the underworldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin