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"Now hold on! I know I am not dead. All I did was fall asleep against your tree as people call it." Naruto said, a bit panicked in this situation.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Thalia shrugged. "Anyway, you know my name, but I don't know yours?"

"Oh! My name is Naruto Uzumaki and apparently I am a demi god." Naruto replied, calming down and walking up to shake hand with her.

"Nice to meet you Naruto." Thalia said with a smile as she sent electricity up his arm

Feeling his arm go numb, Naruto said, "I take it you are a demi god too. So, whose kid are you?"

Thalia scowled a bit and said, "Zeus. You?"

The blond rose an eyebrow but didn't say much to her scowling. "Not a clue, same for Percy. He arrived here with me and a satyr named Grover."


"Yeah, you've heard of him?" Naruto said as he back up from her outburst.

"He was the Satyr who found me, Annabeth, and Luke. How are they by the way?"

"Hmm…well Grover is always trying to protect me and Percy but with his façade as a cripple, it did not work that well. Him and Percy are best friends. Annabeth is a nice person from what I have seen and I have not even seen this Luke guy yet." Naruto replied with a shrug. "How long have you been here anyway?"

"I think more than 5 years."

"Oh wow. Well since i have this odd Limbo entering power, I guess I can keep you company every now and then." Naruto said with a smile.

Thalia smiled back. "I would like that, but if you tell the others about this, they might not believe you."

"I kind of figured that." Naruto chuckled.



"I think I might know whose kid you are."

"What do you think?"


Naruto chuckled, "Well if that is the case, you still got a friend in me. I don't really care if our parents hate each other, which should not have anything to do with us."

Thalia smiled and gave him a hug. "Thank you. And…I won't hate you either. Besides that is a stupid reason anyway."

"Exactly." Naruto said as then felt himself waking up. "Well, til next time."

"Yeah." She said a little sadly.

"Don't worry Thalia, I'll be back….I promise and I never go back on my promises."

Thalia chuckled, "I'll hold you to that Naruto."

Naruto just back up from the hug and gave her a thumb's up as he disappeared. "See you later Naruto." She whispered to herself with a slight blush.


Back in the normal world, Naruto could see that it was morning. Didn't think I was in Limbo that long. Well, I will just have to learn how to control it if I am the son of Hades.

Getting up, headed back to the big house to see Grover, Annabeth, and Chiron there around a table with two other people he had not met yet. "Yo!" They turned their heads and saw him.

"Well, I thought you disappeared." Chiron said, fully turning around.

"Oh, I just fell asleep against Thalia's Tree." Naruto replied.

"Really? I don't remember telling you the name of the tree." Annabeth stated.

Naruto smirked and said, "I heard it from some camper's yesterday" I am not sure if they would believe me.

Naruto Prince of the underworldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant