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"So, are the documents ready Maria?"I asked, as we hastily walking across the corridor to the conference room
"Yeep! All set!"she said with glee. It was the day, when our company was about to sign the deal with Kulkarni's. It was one dream I'd seen.
"Ma'm, it's Randeep sir's call,"Maria said, and blushed. Well, that was the impact he made. Wow.
"Tell him that I'm in a meeting,"I said, determined to make him habituated to be kept awaited.
Maria smiled. She went the other way and was talking to him. I went into the room. I was in shock. Well, look who's here:
He was sitting at the opposite head of the table. I raised an eyebrow.
"So; meeting, huh?"he said. There was no one in the room. I was simply preparing the file.
"Umm; yeah. Meeting,"I repeated; smiling at the thought that my plan simply failed. He got up from the chair and walked towards me. Even after getting engaged, it feels that I haven't known him yet. It feels so new. Every damn time. He kept his hand near mine, not touching mine. My breath hitched that moment.
"You're looking prettier than ever,"he said, as he came near.
"Well, thanks; but, I need to prepare for the meeting. It's an important one. We're going to sign the deal with the Kulkarni's. Awesome, right?"
"Of course; it has been your dream,"he said. He took my hand in mine, and kissed the ring.
"So has this been, one,"he whispered. Yeah, indeed. A dream that came true. What's more dangerous than rust eating away iron? I'll tell you-the dreams, that do not get fulfilled.
"I'm happy about us; but still worried about Annie,"I said. Randeep placed both his hands on my cheeks, and said,
"She'll be awesome, trust me. She's strong; too strong. In fact, there's a surprise for you. I'll meet you at your place at 5. Don't be late."he said.
He stopped and said,"Yeah, one more thing,"he came near me, and kissed my cheek,"All the best for the deal, Mrs Rathod."and walked away.
How can a person affect me that much!
The meeting ended well. We signed the deal. It was all done. After the meeting got over, the assistant of Mr Kulkarni and I were talking.
"You and Mr Randeep Rathod are engaged, right?"
"Yeah,"I blushed.
"I'm also engaged; like, recently I and my fiancé got engaged. He's the CEO of Shah Imperial. It's an Architectural society, second in competition with the Rathod's."
"Oh.. Well, once we all can dine together,"I offered.
"Great! That's awesome. I'll ask my fiancé about that,"she said.
"Sure thing; I'll meet you some other day, Randeep might be waiting for me. Bye!"
"Bye! Have a great day!"and we bid adieu.
I reached my place. The door was open. Of course, Randeep had one duplicate of the keys. I knew he was in.
"Randeep, you there?"
I called out his name a couple of times. I went into my room. A lady was standing by his side, complimenting the sunset.
He turned around.
"Hey! Ssup?"
I stared at him, totally blank. He understood.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce to our guest; more aptly, homie,"
And she turned around.
"Ana!" and we ran towards each other, and hugged tight.
"Oh my God! Just today I was talking about you, with Randeep,"I said.
"Gosh Ana,look at you; you look gorgeous. More after getting engaged to this one,"
"Haha... She was beautiful as always,"
Randeep said.
"Today, we'll go out and eat,"Randeep added. Not a bad idea, though.
"Fine with me,"Ananya said.
"Not a problem for me, either."I completed.

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