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"Will you tell me what's going now?" I asked Ananya as she sat in front of me at the café
"Well, well; you'll be excited... I and Rohan are back!"she squealed as she squeezed my hand. I slipped my hand from beneath hers. That was well, Umm... Disappointing though. But, it's fine, as long as she's happy about it.
"What happened, Ana?" she asked me, curious about my emotions
"Umm, well, it's good. But, tell me one thing; how did you guys get together?"
"Because of Randeep,"she said.
"The day you met with an accident, Randeep came and told us that you met with an accident,"she said,"we came in his car. Well, when we reached the hospital, we fought a lot. Then Randeep yelled at us,"she said, and narrated everything to me.
"I'll tell you."

Ananya's POV:

Randeep, I and Rohan reached the hospital. I tred on Rohan's foot by mistake. He said,"Can't you see?"
"Dude, that was by mistake! Don't make a fuss!"
"You know what, you are a fuss yourself!"Rohan said. I was taken aback.
"Will you two just stop fighting? You know, Ana is admitted to the hospital just because of you two,"Randeep said, fire of anger bursting in his eyes.
"Just because she wanted you two to be together!"he said, and moved in.
I and Rohan looked at each other for a while. Wait, what's wrong?
We tred slowly. We saw Randeep holding your hand and crying. Dude, that was the love I'd been wanting and waiting for. I walked out of the building, tears flowing without any obstruction.
"Annie, wait!"I heard someone calling me. I looked around, and saw who it was.
"Now what?"I asked him.

He walked towards me with flammed tears, which he wasnt able to control, but tried hard to. On coming towards me, he said,"Hi,"

"That's all you had to say?"I asked him.

"There's a lot to talk about, now"he said and taking my hand in his, he said,"Ananya, I've been an opportunist as well as hurt you.I'm terribly sorry,"he said and hugged me

"I don't need any of your apologies and sympathies; I'd walked over everything and I don't need..." and as soon as I was to continue, he kissed me. That was a deep, deep kiss. I couldn't control, and yet gave in. He explored my mouth to every corner. I swear, that was the best kiss I had. 

"Rohan, we need to stop," I said, awaring him about the surroundings. We moved apart and smiled. He looked at me and asked,"So, can we be together, forever?"

I stared at him in shock. Was he really asking this from me?

"Well, what about Shreya?" I asked him.

"I'll handle it. I even need to talk to Anamika about this,"he said

"I'll manage that,"I said and smiled at him. He came near me and sliding his arm around my waist pulled me closer to him and said,"I love you"and kissed my cheek

"Me too," I said.

And then he went.

(end of POV)

"So, what do you think?"Ananya asked me.

I was lost in my own. Though I wanted Annie to be happy again with Rohan, somewhat my conscience and my heart were revolting against each other. I wanted Ananya to be happy, forever. She was the one because of whom I got back my lost love, Randeep. I wanted her to get hers, too. But, Rohan? What if he hurts her again?"

"Ana, you fine, right?"she asked me

"Yeah, absolutely"I replied. I was busy wondering what to do. Meanwhile, I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. I turned around to look who it was. 


"Hey,"he said and gently planted a soft peck on my cheek.

"Hey Randeep! How did you know that we were here?"

"Well, I've been sitting here past a while, and you two were so engrossed that you didn't even notice me,"he said and laughed. Ananya smiled. I still wasn't totally into what was going on-whether to fully trust Rohan, or not. 

"Anamika; is everything alright?"Randeep asked me, placing his hand on mine. 

"Yeah, everything is good,"I replied.

"So, when are you guys marrying?"Annie asked me.

"Soon,"Randeep said, smiling in my direction,"We need to meet her parents, soon"he added.

"Cool! So, when's that gonna happen?"

"Maybe, when we both are free in our schedules,"I said.

"Hmm. So, I guess, this is it. I'll call you Ana, bye!"

"Bye!"and we both got up and hugged each other. She whispered in my ear,"Please think over what you haven't thought, yet,"

I looked at her and she smiled at me, and left.

When we reached home, I went straight into my bathroom. Undressed, I turned the shower on. Maybe, I was overthinking. Too much. 

As I wrapped a towel around me and entered my room, I found Randeep lying on the bed, staring at me. I was very terrified at that moment!

"What are you doing here?"I asked him, full of confusion in my tone

"Well, I was waiting for you,"he said. He got up from the bed and moved towards me. He came near me, and pulled me close to him by the waist. 


"Shh.."he said and placed his index finger on my lips,"I know what you have been thinking for so long. Ananya told me that you weren't so happy about this,"he said.

"I'm happy; but the thing is, I'm afraid that Rohan will repeat it, again,"I replied.

"He won't,"Randeep said with his most reassuring tone,"He won't break her heart again. I've talked to him, personally. We have been meeting quite frequently. He has decided to break his marriage with Shreya,"

"Wow! That's awesome!"I squealed with delight.

"Hmm,"he said, and stroking my cheek, he said,"Stop worrying now. We have to plan about us, too,"he said and bent his head low to kiss me. I placed my index finger on his lips. He looked at me.

"Well; not now. Later,"I said, and winked at him.

"When?"he sounded like a kid, who has been promised his favourite, costly candy to be brought, later.

"Don't know,"I smirked at him. He came near me, and turned me towards him, locking my hand behind.

"Well, if there was never a 'tomorrow', then?"

"Shh...never say that, Randeep,"I whispered,"You're my today, you're my tomorrow, and.."

"My future,"he said and we kissed.

We got up, realizing that it was quite late and we haven't had our dinner, yet.

"So, what do we have today?"I asked him. He got up, and said,'Well, I just had my dinner!"

"Very funny! Now tell me,"I urged him.

"Well, we'll have noodles today; and the speciality is that I'll make it,"he said.

"Ooh...so, Mr Randeep Rathod, the great entrepreneur, will be cooking dinner, huh?"I mocked at him. He coolly replied,"Yep; for my lazy love,"he smirked.

"Oh..so I'm lazy?"I asked, raising my eyebrow

"Well, its fine. I'll make it,"he said, not further indulging in any argument with me.

After eating the dinner, I really felt that my life after marriage would be really easy, cause my future husband cooked really well.

"Its really awesome, Randeep!"I said.

"Thank you, Mrs Rathod,"he said and bowed before me. I laughed. 

"Hey, I forgot to tell you something;  tomorrow, we'll be going on a double date with Ananya and Rohan,"he said.

"That's news! Awesome! I'm so excited

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