Episode 28: Steamed Ryo

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Ryo was mad. No, scratch that. He was crazed. A shadow came over his eyes as if something was clouding up within him. His lips curled back and I was afforded a good long look at his fangs as he snarled. “What did you do that for?”

I didn’t know what his problem was. He acted like I cut him, when in fact it was me who was hurting. The blade had gone clean through my pants leg and taken a huge slice across my skin. The cut was deep and the blood was beginning to stain my clothes.

I guess Ryo was enraged that I had severed the mental connection he had worked hard to establish with me. Now I knew what it was like for the girls in all those vampire movies where they just fell into the vampire’s embrace and let him do whatever he wanted as if they were hypnotized.

I put the chair between us. Using the back of the chair, I held myself up, because my leg was on fire. He paced back and forth in front of the chair. I thought at any moment his hands would reach out and fling it away from between us.

“Do you think you are too good for me? Is that it?” he growled.

“No, that’s not it. I’m not ready for this. I’m not ready for your kind.”

His eyes grew wide as if he couldn’t believe what I just said. “My kind?!”

“I mean your kind of personality,“ I stammered.

He wasn’t buying it. “I was trying to be nice,“ he said. “But now I’m going to show you what my kind is capable of.”

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. We both stopped. My mom wasn’t home, we both knew that.

Ryo half turned to the door.

“Who is it?” I asked.

There was no answer, but when the knock came again it was a little louder.

This distracted me, and Ryo knew it. The window of opportunity had opened up for him. He lunged forward just as the door was blown inward and knocked off its hinges. The door collided with his charging feral frame and it shattered against him, splinters shooting outwards. I ducked so as not to get hit. I turned to the doorway to see what the hell had just happened and saw Luhan standing there.

His short stature and youthful age made him look about as menacing as an elementary school crossing guard on a big wheel, which is why it weirded me out to see Ryo look up from his position on the floor and scoot backwards across the room, trying to put distance between himself and the kid. He stood up and held his hands out in surrender. “Luhan, I was just..,” he tried to explain with definite fear in his voice.

Luhan lounged against the busted door frame, his arms crossed, and shaking his head. “Ryo, you know this isn’t the way we do things,“ he said in his boyish voice. “You know better than this.”

“Yes,“ Ryo replied in a meek voice. I was in shock over how humbled he had become. And at the scolding from a little kid, no less.

Luhan looked at me and said, “Please forgive Ryo, and indeed all of us. We sometimes forget ourselves and succumb to our, let us say, baser natures. I’m sure he is sorry, aren’t you Ryo?”

Ryo looked at me, and though his eyes didn’t say it, his voice did. “I’m sorry, Nora.” He bowed his head and backed towards the window. His face was twitching as if he were fighting an urge to cry. Then he let out a remorseful wail and was gone out the window, as if he were a child trying to escape fierce punishment .

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