Episode 67: Officers In Blue

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The first one came forward. Ryo held his hands up in mock surrender. "Hey big guy, we were just leaving like we were told to. We leave, you return the girl. That's the deal."

The guy looked confused at first. It reminded me of someone who was getting instructions through an earpiece. It was easy to see he wasn't a vampire. None of these jock guys were. They were human slugs under someone else's control.

"The deal has changed," the guy finally said. "You leave. We keep the girl. You don't die."

Ryo lowered his hands. "Wow, I'm impressed. You actually strung some words together to make a complete sentence." He began to applaud.

I wasn't sure what to do. Haru squeezed my hand as if to say, brace yourself.

I heard the whir of the spinning nunchuck before I saw it. One of the other hulking guys had begun to show off his expertise with the weapon, though he held back to see what Ryo was going to do to their spokesperson.

"You know," Ryo sighed. "You guys should have brought throwing stars instead."

Before anyone could even respond, his arm shot out and his open palm connected with the jock's chest. The force was so hard it nearly knocked the wind out of the guy. It wasn't designed to harm the boy however. It was merely intended to shove him backwards a few feet, just enough to make him stumble into the path of his friend's twirling nunchuck. The weapon, essentially two pieces of hard wood connected by a chain, slammed into the guy's head, which stopped the momentum of everyone.

Ryo ducked and spun around the guy's now falling body and popped up in front of Mr. Nunchuck. Again, his open palm was Ryo's weapon of choice and it slammed up and across the bridge of the second assailant's nose. There was a brief spray of blood, but Ryo ignored and it and charged the third footballer. This guy had the brass knuckles and was a more prepared than his friends had been. He managed to land a blow across Ryo's cheek. There was a cracking noise and I gasped, thinking the guy had managed to break some bones in Ryo's face. But the cracking hadn't come from that. It had come from the fact Ryo had grabbed the guy's wrist just as his fist had landed the blow. In one swift motion, he snapped the bone. The guy screamed in pain, and Ryo swept his legs out from under him with his foot. All three of the attackers were now on the ground in various degrees of pain.

Ryo stood over them , looking down as they writhed on the ground, moaning from their injuries. "Now, you tell your master...."

The kids dropped from the trees. There were more than we initially thought, and they were all landing either on Ryo or around him. Before he could even react he was buried breath a pile of rabid, foaming at the mouth children.

Chi broke off from our group and charged into the fray. She started pulling the kids off Ryo. I could tell she was trying not to harm them, but it's hard to avoid injuring others when you are flinging them through the air. I couldn't believe all this was happening. Just what was the purpose of this whole confrontation. They had to know this wouldn't stop my friends. Why were they trying to delay us?

Luhan was getting agitated by all this as well, and looked to be ready to join Ryo and Chi, but Haru put a hand on his shoulder. "They can handle this one," he said. "Let's get to the car."

"You're going to leave them?' I asked.

"They'll catch up. We have to keep moving."

I looked at the melee under the trees. Ryo and Chi were pushing kids away from them the best they could, but once you got three off of you, three more took their place. It was like trying to swat pesky flies at a barbecue.

We moved around them, Haru, Luhan, and I. We ran across the yard, aiming for Haru's car. It had miraculously survived my driving skills from where we had raced home from the hospital. Hopefully, I t would get us up to the lake before night fully descended.

As we reached the car and Haru threw the rear doors open, I looked back. Ryo and Chi were still under assault, but now they had bigger worries. The football jocks were getting back up and they didn't look happy.


I turned to look at my love, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at the two police officers coming across the yard towards us. They wore blue uniforms and walked with a determined gait. They both had a pair of handcuffs in their hands. One also had what looked like a taser. But what really bothered me were the fact that they were police at all. You see, Chelsea Valley didn't have a police force. We had sheriffs, and they dressed in tan, not blue.

"Nora, Luhan," Haru said quietly. "Get in the car."

I dared another look back at Ryo and Chi. I noticed Ryo had lost his advantage and the three hulks had drove him to the ground and were kicking him in the ribs. Chi was running across the grass towards her. She was screaming something. I thought it sounded like "Trap!"

"Nora Williams," one of the officers in blue intoned. His voice was menacing and deep.

Luhan came around the car to confront them. It looked almost silly, these two tall policemen being confronted by a guy who looked all of twelve on a good day.

"You can't take her," Luhan said.

Both officers smiled and it was scary. They didn't have fangs or anything, but their mouths looked dingy and dirty, as if they had been napping in a dirt grave for forty years.

"We didn't come for her," one of them said, pointing a taser at Luhan. He fired. The electric charge surged through Luhan like a bolt of lightning. The little guy's body spasmed and he fell to the ground, flopping around on the grass, as the massive amount of electricity passed through him.

I heard a scream and at first thought it was me. But it wasn't. It was Chinatsu. And she was leaping through the air. She touched down in front of the guy with the taser, smacking it right out of his hands. She grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. He brought a hand up in an attempt to do the same to her, but she was too fast. She caught his wrist before he made contact. For a second she seemed frozen in time, one hand around his throat, the other clenching his wrist, and then her hands moved in opposite directions so fast I barely saw it. But I heard it. The cracking of his wrist bone. The snapping of his neck. He didn't even have time to scream. He crumbled in a heap at her feet.

The other guy had grabbed the unconscious Luhan, whose body was still twitching through the after effects of the electric shock. He hauled him up and over his shoulder and was breaking into a run for the police cruiser.

Chi snatched up the taser, angrily crushing it in her hand, and then went after him. Haru looked at me as if he were going to leave my side and give chase as well, but then he grabbed me shoving me in the back seat of the car.

"Keep your head down, " he shouted, shutting the door once I was all the way in. Before doing as he said, I glanced out the window and saw all three of the footballers running towards us. I couldn't see what had happened to Ryo, but the fact they were now coming after us didn't bade very well.

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