How She Fell

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(A/N, I'm a lazy fucker but I do try. Mandrake9669, my G.)

After the fight with Zarpedon and the never-ending quest to find Elpis' vault. Athena can finally set her emotional baggage-ful mind at ease, and settle a little on Elpis. Only just surviving on shitty Dahl rations, as Athena only realised the reason why the moon was so foodless, was because of none other than the 'Crackening'. But she's managed with worse, so it doesn't really phase her that much. But one thing does...

After meeting the heavy Elpis accented junker, Athena can't get her words out of head. Every word Janey says, she swallows them and values them as legendary. They swirl round and speak to her, not going away, just repeating, repeating. Athena's not one to believe in witchcraft, but a hex has most certainly cast on her.

She can't get her out of her head.

She can't get her out of her head.

The little assassin has learnt quite a bit, Athena lets go of her vigilant self when she's around the tall blonde, which is far far from what the Atlas Corporation had taught her, she trusts this Elpis woman she only met a few days ago. Her entire personality changes, shifts when she's ever in her warm presence, it's as if the clouds have been parted and a kind sun is left to glare. So bright and caring, so soft and pretty.

Athena's blonde sun.

The junker of Concordia.


After finishing a small side mission for Moxxi she glides into her 'Up Over' for a quick drink before she settles in a small abandoned shack she found a little off-bounds of the city, and to also receive the reward from her job. It's her fourth mission this week, and man, does Athena need a damn break. Her delirious eyes wander around scouting the somewhat familiarity of Elpis' biggest city, if you could even call it a city.

Well, she lets her arms rest by leaving one of her larger guns in a nearby storage bank. Lessening her arm ache beginning to ensue. The gladiator's Aspis left to settle a familiar weight on her toned arm. But the tight sheet of crimson metal wrapped uncomfortably around her heavily muscled thigh, gradually adds onto her defying urge to go see the genial junker at the other side of Concordia. To see if maybe she could get it altered, but her armour wasn't just her only reason for going to the emporium. The owner herself was the uprising reason.

Everytime she was even mentioned by either the Elpisan folk, or via Moxxi telling her how 'annoying and persistent that girl is', she always tenses up when she's even slightly mentioned, Athena feels an ache deep in her chest every time words seep from her sweet lips. An ache, and an ongoing desire for her embrace and her touch. Whether it be day or night, her heart always makes it back to the light of Concordia.

Athena's blonde sun.


Athena's tall heels drag her to the bar and to her seat nearby a claptrap who claims to 'not be working there'. She gently seats herself onto the stool and lays her sword next to her, leaning it against the bar counter.

"Heya sugar~" The bartender speaks in her usual sultry way, holding a tray of dirty, empty cups, glasses and tall beer bottles, the caps of them surrounding the bottom of the surface. Athena hums in a gradual reply before letting her hood down and resting her scarf on her shoulders.

"Talk to Miss Springs lately~?" Moxxi asks, knowing full well that Athena's caught her eye on her. The hardcore music pounds in her ears as she feels heat rush to her cheeks. She gradually lifts up her arm and wrist and presents a middle finger directed at Moxxi. The bartender chuckles.

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