Blushing In Embarrassment (Himuro x Reader)

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You heard the lunchbell rang as you reached the library. It was your normal routine every day. Eat your lunch, go to the library, read something fiction, then go back to your classroom. You liked reading; especially fiction stories.

But today, you were having a break from reading teen stories. Your midterms are coming so you replaced the cheeky cliché stories to academic ones; such as math and science.

Passing by a shelf, you came upon a tall figure that was blocking the way. Recognizing the same purple hair you both have, you saw that it was Atsushi, your younger brother.

“Atsushi” you called your brother, tapping him on the shoulder.

“Mmm? Onee-chan, what are you doing here?” he asked.

“I should be the one asking you. You barely go to the library. What did you eat that made you go here?” you replied, knowing Atsushi hates reading; the total opposite of you. The library was the last place he’d probably go.

Behind Atsushi was your classmate, Tatsuya, who was the one that answered your question. “Atsushi and I are just studying for the upcoming midterms, (f/n). We thought it’s about time to get serious on our studies since we can’t participate in the Winter Cup if we have failing grades”

“I see…” you answered.

“Onee-chan, can you tutor Murochin and me? We’re really having a hard time with our lessons…” Atsushi requested, hugging you from behind. He was taller than you even though you’re older.

“Hmm? Well, sure” you agreed anyway. It was your brother who was asking and you can’t deny the fact that you love spoiling him since he was so cute. “But I’m a strict teacher. And eating is not allowed during tutoring sessions” you stated.

“Ahhh, so meaaaaan~” whined Atsushi, pouting. You giggled at the face he made that seemed to catch Tatsuya’s attention as he smiled to himself.

“Listen to (f/n)-sensei, Atsushi” Tatsuya told his friend, calling you ‘sensei’. The way he called you that made you blush as you struggled to hide it from them. You sneaked a peek at the raven haired boy whose attention was somewhere else with his head looking away.

The three of you sat on the table as you started to teach the lessons they asked you to review them. It was easy tutoring Atsushi since you’ve already tackled the 1st year lessons he has right now. He was a smart kid and got easily, he’s just too lazy to study.

While helping Atsushi memorize some scientific terms, you can’t help but feel Tatsuya’s eyes glued onto you. It’s like you’re the one substituting for the book that he’s supposed to read right now. You cleared your throat, when you were done with Atsushi, and went to focus on tutoring Tatsuya. Atsushi was left with some equations you asked to answer.

“Umm, so what’s the lesson you don’t understand?” you asked Tatsuya awkwardly. Even though you’re classmates with him, you never actually talked quite long. He was close friends with your brother so you run into him quite often, but your conversations are usually short; sometimes you just nod when he talks to you.

This is the first time you two conversed that lasted for 5 minutes.

“Japanese actually. I can’t seem to understand kanji” he answered, looking down on his Japanese test results: 28. 14. 33.

He’s really bad at it.

“Oh I see. Well, I understand since you grew up in America” you replied, opening up a book filled with kanji characters. “Plus, it’s really complicated…” you continued blabbering while searching for the page of the topic included in the exam. “Even I had a hard time understanding it… but I’m sure you’d be able to—” you stopped halfway when you looked back at Tatsuya who was staring at you. He didn’t even look like he was listening to you and snapped out of his daze when you called his name.

Give it a shot! (Kuroko No Basuke One-Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora