Log #7 The Other [insert here]

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Hi I'm dEceAsEd. I went to the BTS concert in Oakland the other day and lEt me tell you it was amazing.

Howstever that isn't the point of this chapter. No no no for this chapter we're talking about....

Kim Seokjin

Or his sister

"The Other Kim"

I hate it. You already knew since I'm making a log on it that I hate it. Also I'm coming to realize these logs make me seem like a very negative person. Oh well, Boop.

Now there ain't nothing wrong with a good ol pair of siblings. But books like this are honestly, how do I put it nicely? iRrElEvAnT

This character being implemented literally has no significance other than being a famous idol's sibling. That's why the title is as uncreative as the character. Literally though, they have no relevance to the story and wouldn't have any if not for their surname. Isn't that sad?

Like I find in these types of books any defining character trait is lost just because the author makes the main character solely that sibling character. Sibling banter, childhood stories, near identical traits with her brother. That makes the character so plain and uninteresting because any of her "Well when I" stories automatically become "Well when we" stories.

I just- akdhjdbbsnshs and then it also makes us so that her love interest is one of his band mates and BOOM big inter-group fight because so and so fell in love with my little no name but last name sister imma throw a hissy fit because you all betrayed me.

That's why ya work the main character into her or his love interest's life in a unique and individual way. Not by using a diff member😪

That's all for today, I gtg make out with my brother's best friend now and hope he doesn't find out!!! Bye!

P.s the same goes for My Best friend's sibling kind of books

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